Chapter 22 (Calm)

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Hello all, Lea-skys here 😉for all the wattpad fans out there . I'm sorry about all the typos and mistakes in all the recent chapters 🙈 Mostly I'm in a rush or I'm just careless to care ... sorry about that 😂 but please enjoy until i catch a mistake and i'll update it back.

I stormed in the guestroom , slamming the door behind me . Then cried my way in the pillow . 
"Why is life so hard..."
i said while sobbing .

(Knock knock)
"Hey Eliza... you got a moment?"
Yin said while slowly closing the door.
"I'm sorry I'm not in the mood"
Yin placed her hand on my shoulder
"I know she can be an asshole , eliza..."
She tried to cheer me.
"Lets get through it together."
She smiled infront of me . Holding my hand.
"Finals is near , we just need to do our best and after that we are free to go anywhere"
Yin calmed me down . I let out a loud sigh.
I wiped my tears .

(Knock knock)
"Heyy?? Am I interrupting?"
Chels said while tiptoeing in.
"I was just calming her down"
Yin threw a pillow at her.
"Well I'm gonna do the same."
Chels jumped at me , once again with the WWE pose . Making me fall on the bed , tickling me .
"Stoppp!! I'm TICKLISH"
i laughed out loud ...
Leading the others from downstairs curious with all the laughing upstairs .

We three went down , holding our laughs while looking at eachother 😂

"I guess we missed the fun?"
Dilan scratch his head .

Then we all laughed.

"Come on , lets go Have lunch i know this fancy restaurant .
I took my keys and swung it around.
"Free lunch? I'm down"
chels said while walking out the door.
The others agreed and we all went in my car .
"Sick ride"
Charles said
"It still haunts me."
I replied thinking about Mrs Jane Car.
"Ahh gotcha"
Yin winked at me .
I told them to put on their seatbelts and off we go to the fancy restaurant for lunch

We reached to this Beautiful landscape restaurant with a waterfall view at the backyard only residents with permitted names are allowed, since my dad is well known here

got free access to the area .

"Here we are , SummerLake Fall"
Everyone jaw dropped .
"come on i got a seat reserved with a great view"
i winked at the gang,
"Good afternoon , how many people"

i showed him my ID so we could get our table .
"Ah yes miss Skylar. Right this way"

e lead us to the back yard . The sound of the waterfall and the view we could see while walking to our table .
"Okay i did not expect this."
Said Chels .
"No need to thank me , it was nothing"
the waitress handed us menus and poured us a glass of wine .
"I'll have the Wagyu Steak with mash and gravy on the side"
i said while smiling.
The others ordered their food and we all began to talk.

Charles : first of all ,  are you some kind of special agent? My dad is been trying to get us in this restaurant for many times
but he always gets rejected.
Me : it's not simple to be accept in a high class restaurant.
Me : my dad is good friends with the owner here .
Chels : You're father must have own a business right?
Angelina: yeah ive seen him wear suits all the time.
Me : he never tells me about his job .
hes mostly busy...  doesnt really have time for me ... but i still love him .
Yin : you and You're dad must be very close when you were young.
Chels : you mentioned you got a brother right? Where is he now?
Me : my brother is married now , hes in Japan raising his 5 year old.
Angelina : Do you still stay in touch with him?
Me : absolutely.. i call him sometimes...
Charles : sometimes?
Me : he doesnt really pick up my call...
Dilan : it's okay I'm pretty sure hes just busy.
Angelina : whats You're niece's name?
Me : i heard her name is  Jewel.
Charles : yup her family is Rich.
Yin : shush charles 🌚
Me : hes true tho.. my bro is pretty wealthy there , his wife owns s company called Daiso.
Yin : ahh living the dream.
Dilan : exactly.

We all ate our food and talked alot more . 

It began to get darker and the lights switch on giving us the romantic vibe, as slow dance music were playing at the back .

"Care for a dance me lady?"
Dilan placed his hand out for chels.
"don't mind if i do"
both of them slow dance under the tree , gazing into each other's eyes .

"How bout u?"
Charles pulled yin closer to him .
"A dance wont hurt?"
Charles swept yin away to the dance floor. They both dance gracefully.

Angelina looked at me and smiled
"I get it. You want to dance too?"
Angelina smiled and stood up took my hand , and we joined the other slow dancing under the tree .

We had alot of fun but it's time for us to head back to chels place . I payed the bill tipped the waitress. And we all head back to the car .
"Thanks eliza , i will never forget this night"
Yin said .
"So do i"
i replied smiling . I drove us all back to chelsea place . We all went crashing into bed . Me , angelina , charles and Yin and to share the guest room . Charles and Yin slept on the bed while me and angelina slept on a mattress on the floor , the air conditioners were on max we all pretty  much slept well. Dilan and Chelsea ofcourse slept together at chelsea's
room . We all went asleep peacefully.

Angelina Pov
(Bzz bzz)

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