Chapter 4 (what have i done?)

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(Door closing)
"Heyo honey your back."
While Straightening his necktie.
"Not now dad"
i stomp to my room ,
closing the door real hard.

" what the actual fk is wrong with me"
What possessed me to kiss my own fkng teacher?

*Bz bz*
"Who texted me?"

(Chels : Yowwww hows my girl doing?)

Just in time.

Eliza: Heyyy
Chels : sooo did you die?
Eliza: idk ?? Did i? I wonder whos texting u?
Chels : it's probably a ghost version of u?
Eliza: couldnt get a friend as dumb as you:/
Chels : soo what happen ? when u and mrs jane were alone in the classroom.
Eliza: i don't even wanna talk about it , it was just awfull:/
Chels : did u confessed to her?
Eliza : what ?! Fuck no .-.
Chels: sooo? U farted infront of her?
Eliza: eww no tf?
Chels : then fucking tell me already :/
Eliza: WE accidentally KISSED OKAYYY:/

(Sudden 10 seconds silent )

Chels: OKAY WTF?
Chels: How tf was dat an (ACCIDENT)?
Eliza: i was just not myself today:/
Chels: and you kissed her?
Eliza: Noooo ... i mean yea , actually maybe🙃
Chels: did anyone saw?
Eliza: idk but the parking lot was empty
Chels: jezuz christ eliza
Eliza: don't give me that attitude:(
Chels :never knew you will go that far 😏
Eliza: i wasn't planning to🙃
Chels : girl I'm so proud of you honeyy
Eliza: omg you are one heck of a friend
Chels : thats why they call me chelsy handful :)
Eliza: okay i gtg , i got some stuff to take care of.
Chels: alright darling cya in a bit.

That girl is something 🌚 lord please save me from what i did earlier ...

i didn't mean it , that woman has no sins to put against me ,i was the fault 😪i don't think i will have the guts to look at her after what had happened🙃

I decided to do some research of
mrs jane ,
i know .-.
I'm weird right more like a stalker than a student ;)
i search her on Facebook,
instagram ,
Twitter and snapchat .
And no signs of relationship status,
so i just got into conclusions that shes is single? And currently not into anyone i guess ,
i bet if she is
she would have post love quotes around ,
am i correct? No? Okay then :(  i remember chelsy saying shes engaged. Kdhkedbkedbek NOOOOO thiss is sooo confusingggg.

I don't know if i should blame mrs jane or me? She kept appearing on my mind,
couldn't stop thinking about her 24/7 .
Can't even sleep ;/
Theres just time where i wanna , held her captive in her room :)
Gosh eliza your mind is fucking nuts:/
stay out of trouble ,
shes your teacher for god sake .

(Knock knock)

"moonpie you in there?
Obviously I'm here dad ;P
"yeahh I'm here , Come inn!"
I sat at my bed watching him cracking the door slowly ,
" Hey moonpie, can i talk to you for a while?"
He walked up to me with a random box,
"Here this is from Erica , she said she wanna give u this before meeting you in person"
He handed me the box,
"whats this?"
I replied with a Questionable voice,
" I don't know she told me not to open it and just hand it to you i'll leave the box with you, I'm going to finish my game downstairs , TOODLES!"
Silly dad , I'm glad to have a father like him.

Hmmm why would she give me this?...
I know for sure they're getting married 🙄
but why get me stuff ? 
Ugh shut up eliza ,
be greatful
(i opened the box to see 3 items),
omg they're beautiful,
the first item i picked up was a necklace with a writing on it,
(follow your dreams)
damn i wish...
i would follow mrs jane cause shes my dreams😪

okay tf am i thinking about her again geez🙃

the second item i pulled out is a shirt also with a writing on it
(Pretty girls likes Rainbows)
okay i asume she knows I'm gay right? Obviously dad told her
which i never thought he would care to tell😂 but nvm that ,
I'm glad shes not homophobic ,
i would hated her right away :/
last but not least a letter left by her:0
this is the first time my dad gf is wrote something for me ;)
i guess shes not that bad ,
welp lets see ;)

*dear eliza 😉
I'm so happy to finally meet you in a few days and moving in with u and your father :)
i just Can't wait to get to know u better and bond together ,
i hope u don't have any hard feelings for me ;( 
i'll try to be more open minded and supportive for u 🤗
theres my phone number written behind the letter ;)
incase you wanna talk to me or ask me questions ,
but don't get me wrong when i don't reply ,

i get really busy at work and being a teacher is not easy at all so i hope u understand😅
thats all Can't wait to see you both ;)

Love Erica ;)

She gave me her number?
Okay interesting ;/
well first of all ...
shes a teacher??!
I wonder what school she teaches?
She must be smart..
no wonder dad chose her .
I don't think i will be needing this phone number .
I'm going to meet her anyway within a few days so the number unnecessary.

I threw the number at the fire place and watching it burn .
Now i kinda regret throwing it away...

I should have kept it for emergencies but
Oh well too late :/

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