Chapter 31 (Playing Cupid)

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My eyes roamed around her body after she questioned me .

"it looks good on you"
I cleared my throat.
"You don't look bad yourself"
She walk towards me pulling me close to her placing her hands on my hips.
"But you look even good without clothes on"
She whispered in my ear.
What is up with her?
What happen to good dad's girlfriend back at the hospital :/
"Very funny mrs jane , now lets go"
I held her hand then we both walked to the car.

We arrived to the diner only to find a few couple people eating in .

I lead us to a table at the corner then settled in sitting face to face .
As we sit trying to make ourself comfortable me and mrs jane eyes locked with a seductive gaze . Hard to resist but easy to avoid . We're in public what could not go wrong HAAHHAHA

Waitress: here are the menus, can I introduce you with the house special . Big bobs burger with cajun curly fries?
Me : sounds good i'll have that.
Waitress : very well and how bout you miss?
Mrs Jane : i'll have the same too.
Waitress: orighty two burgers it is ? Drinks?
Me : water is fine for both of us.
Waitress: alright i'll get your order on .

The waitress left leaving both of us alone atlast.
"This feels good, having dinner with you only"
She held my hand cuffing it in hers.
I smiled then squeezed her hands but i let go as fast as i can .
I get it shes hot , pretty , gorgeous lady.
But it's just wrong , shes my dad's girlfriend or would say fiancée or to be more specific my future stepmom. I don't think it's right . I wanna move on , i wanna start fresh .
I want to be Angelina's only one .

But if me and mrs jane continue like this
I might end up loosing Angelina , my dad's trust , my pride  and my self confidence fr.
So this has to end even tho how much i want her as she wants me.

"You know i love you right"
I said leaving her surprise
"I love you but i cant keep you..
I dont want to hurt you , dad , angelina or anyone else. I wanna live normal , I don't want any complicated drama."
I looked at her trying to tell her how much this could trigger both of our lives .
"I- i know that , but it's just .. it's hard not to imagine you being with me ."
She replied looking at her phone
"As much as you don't wanna lose me .
I don't wanna lose you too"
I plant a small kiss at her forehead hoping it will be the last affection I will give to her .
She smiled at me then nodded .
Our food arives and we both dig in and enjoyed our dinner.

We both went home awkwardly yet so quiet .
Like we're strangers again .
Was it a good idea telling her to be real?
Or was it a bad idea .
Ughh i feel stupid.
We reached home , she quickly went into her room , so did i
Changed into my night clothes and did my skin care and other night routines.

(Notification from Chels)
Chels : SISSSS!!!
Chels : like asap
Chels : please reply🥺

5mins later

Me: crap sorry i was cleaning myself  , wtf happen? Don't tell me you and dilan got in a fight now?
Chels : what Nooo:/ me and dilan is good
Me : so whats the fuss love?
Chels : well it's about me and dilan but it's nothing bad
Me : so spill it?
Chels : dilan asked me on a picnic date . Just the both of us...
Chels : ik cute all that but you see i never been in a duel date :( i only been into group dates.
Me : so you need my help for?
Chels : well... i was wondering maybe you could  give me tips on .. idk HOW NOT TO FUCK UP A  DUEL DATE?!
Me : it's cute when you're flustered HAHAHAH
Chels : eliza 😩 this date is important to me cuz it's the only time i get to only focus on dilan and nothing else HAHSBEUSBSK
Me : okok i get it.
Chels : so will u help me out?
Me : fine fine heres some tips
Chels : some?! Tell me all.
Me : nah ahh those are premiums you're just a normal member HAHAHAH
Chels : bitc-
Me : I'm kidding 😂 i'll tell you.
Chels : 😫😫😫😤
Me : firstly don't be stuck up bitch who question about his past relationship or anything that he feels uncomfortable talking about . We aint on that level yet to be personal asf.
Chels : aight got it no stuck up bich
Me : secondly , try to flirt with and make him feel safe around you , feel loved and you're full attention on him , don't let anything distract you on this date . (well unless if something horrible came up last minute)
Chels : aight attention giver check
Me : lastly . Give him you're fullest love , learn how to forgive and forget for the smallest things . ( but if he did something worst than forgetting to buy you present like something .... idk cheating on you) girl i'll suggest you stay at home sit back and relax and lemme handle things . The next day i'll be on the news for murder :)
Chels : okay weird flex but okay give him the fullest love got it .
Me : aight thats all i got ntg much i aint no love genie expert.
Me : 3 spicy mcchicken burgers 2 mcflurries , 2 apple pies and 4 cheese burgers🥰
Chels : U GOT IT

I smiled as i turned my phone off .
I love them .
They more than my friends
But a family to me.
Sometimes i just don't know how to handle them .
My friends sometimes are immature but deep inside THEY'RE MORE MATURE THAN I COULD EVER BE .

I turned my light off and tried to sleep but the thought if mrs jane ignoring me after i told her back at the diner really is starting to haunt me for dear life..

Gawd pls be good to me tonight.
I tried to push all my thoughts aside and sleep.

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