Chapter 45 (Dad did what?!)

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Bro : hey sis . I havent seen u for so long.
Me: brother?... Is that u?
Bro : Hahaha Ur all grown up.
Bro: hows dad?
Me : what are u doing here? Wheres mom?
Bro : mom is busy with her new bow.
Bro : i miss you alot. Im sorry for not being there for u sis.
Me : i-
Bro : looks like its time for me to go.
Bro : i hope to see u again.
Me : NO wait DONT LEAVE .

as i woke up from my dream i heard Chels calling my name .
From outside the room

The door opened revealing her wearing a floral dress.
With summer curls on
"Oh shit did i wake u?"
She stopped half way.
"Nah i was already awake"
She walked towards me and sat beside me on the bed.
" So do you wanna tell me what happen back at home?"
She asked me , i sat up straight and let out a huge breath .
"I had a argument with my dad and Mrs Jane , i was so angry and i snapped. I just left without having second thoughts"
I looked at chels then gave her small faint smile. Making her sure i was alright.
I held her hand squeeze it so she knew i was doing fine.

She smiled back at me and squeeze my hand back.
"U can stay here as long as u want sis . I wouldnt mind. Btw im heading out with dilan. Do u wanna tag along? "
I shook my head and told them to have fun tgt.
"Im good , i think imma just crash for today im pretty beat up"
Chels smiled and left without another word.

I laid back down , planing to go back to sleep but not a moment too soon i got call.

*Ring ring*
*Incoming call from Mrs Jane*

Ugh what does she want now.

Me : if ur planing to apologise to me thats not gonna happen
Mrs Jane : eliza have u seen ur dad?
Me : what? What u mean? I was talking to him a few hours ago.
Mrs Jane : welp he left 1 hour ago without saying anything to me.
Me : hes probably just taking some steam off thats all.
Mrs Jane : He mostly tells me where his going eliza.
Me : oh god just let him be jeez.

I hung up the call and got out of bed. Pissed i couldn't sleep back ah shit this is stupid.

I went downstairs and put on my jacket and got my car keys . Texted chels i was going out and started my car . Right when i was about to drive off i saw my dad's car  but with someone in the front seat with him

It looks like......

A female....


ummm no . Yea no who is dat.

I saw him parking his car at someone's home parking lot. And i decided to go check it out. I saw my dad getting out the car and went to open the other side of the car door and helped the woman out .


They were holding hands while heading in the house. So im assuming the house is the girl's?

Oh imma throw hands.
And secretly tip toed to the front porch and peaked through the window . Trying to figure out tf is going on.

and holy mighty of goodness gracious.
My poor eyes
And trust

Never in a million years i thought my dad would ever do .

Right before my eyes. There goes my dad kissing another women. Devouring her face and neck.
Helding her chest . While the woman unbuckled his belt.

I quickly looked away and covered my mouth trying not to gasph and make a sound. I walked away with shock and disbelief. . My hands were shaking. Just like the day i caught my mom cheating on my dad.

What kind of parents do i have?
What kind of family am i born into.

I ran back to chels's house and came to surprise chels is home. I shook my head and calm myself down trying to not look suspicious.

I entered the home only to find chels , dilan , yin , and charles at the living room.

"Hey !  We were looking for u everywhere , where did u go?"
Yin ran to me and hugged me.
" Yeah chels was about to call the police ya know"
Dilan said while laughing
"U texted me and told me u head out. But ur car was outside s so we figured u were still at home"
Chels said while signaling me to sit beside her.
"Sorry i got abit distracted outside. Something unexpected happen"
I choked thinking about my dad all around that girl.
Ughh kill me already
My body shivered down my spine .
The thought of it makes me wanna throw up .
"Hey u good bro"
Charles said looking concerned.
"Hey love are u okay?"
Yin held my hand .
"Im fine sorry im not feeling myself. Imma go rest.
Sorry i cant talk much now"
I ran to the guest room and sat at the bed trying to get the thought out of my mind. But parts of my mind wanna call mrs jane and tell her wtf my dad is doing to her behind her back.

Fuck it

*Dialing mrs Jane number*

Mrs Jane : Eliza?
Me : Come to chelsy house now.
Mrs jane : what?? Whats going on?
Me : Just come here and tell them i told u to come.
Mrs Jane : uh eliza are u okay? Its unusual of u to call me all the sudden. Not that im complaining or anything.
Me : then just come meet me here.

And there goes my phone battery.
Ah shit ill tell her once shes here.

oh crap im going insane.

"Am i interrupting?"
Yin came in .
" Oh hey boo nah its nothing."
I smiled and told her sit beside me.
"U seem stressed out"
Yin looked worried .
"Just abit tired thats all "
I looked out the window with tired eyes.
"Hey ya know u can tell me anything "
Yin placed her hands on my shoulder
I looked at her smiling.

Then someone knocked on the door

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