Chapter 1- The night it began

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It started with the first alpha, Adam and the first omega, Eve as the story is a little different. Adam and Eve never ate the the apple of knowledge. They refused the serpent. There was no original sin in this universe. As Adam and Eve populated the human race, teaching them how to build and light a fire. Unlike having to learn themselves. Everything was peaceful until the humans started questioning gods will. As the angels did their routine, reporting to the alpha archangels, Lucifer, Micheal, Gabriel, and Raphael about the humans. One day the alpha and omega angels sat in the clouds high up in the sky and watched as the humans roamed across the dirt and grass as they passed by huts that were made of wood, while greeting each other. They thought that all was as normal, but what they didn't know what was happening in the chiefs cabin.

"We want free will!"

"We want freedom!"

"Why can't we make our own rules!"

"Why do we have to follow gods rules!"

"Who do the archangels and angels think they are!"

As chaos began do expand, more people started to shout. The humans started to question why shouldn't they live their own life instead the archangels and angels bossing them around. They started to question why couldn't they decide also instead of god and his angels.

"STOP!" The first beta, Chief Cain shouted,
making the cabin turn into a deafening silence.

Until whispers started.

"We shall follow gods will, he made my mother and father, Adam and Eve. He blessed us with life. Who are we to question." Cain said.

"We are to question because we live these lives, we do not have to follow someone who we have not seen with our own eyes." A voice said.

'Agreed' and 'yeahs' were thrown across the room. Starting another riot.

Cain slammed his fist on his wooden table, once again making a silence that rung in everybody's ears.

"Everybody out!" He yelled. People rushed out the curtains. Once everybody was out. Cain rubbed his temple. All this chaos has began to make him start to question also.

His alpha brother Abel, appeared through the furred curtains. His brother was the also the chief. They shared half and half of the town. He co-owned with his brother.

"Have they started again." Abel asked.

"Yes, they keep questioning gods will, and if I'm being honest Abel, I am to." Cain said.

"Brother they are just confused and going through a phase that will soon pass, let it not get inside your head." Abel reassured. Then Abel left without another word.

Cain was not fully reassured by his brothers words, but he trusted his brother.

As the days passed, the questions did not calm or die down. They only began to get louder. One night as Cain was in his hut. A group of people came in. With spears, rocks and torches. Cain was immediately alarmed by this.

"I am sorry, my chief, but we, as the town, decided we want to live by our own rules instead of gods, we ask and we ask only once. Are you with us or not." A man asked.

Cain decided for a while, though he knew this would be going against everything he believed in. But they were correct. They should be living their own lives instead of someone telling us how. He made his decision.

"I am with you." He stood up. The man gave him a spear and torch. He followed the group outside. He was met by dozens of people that held the same materials. They marched forwards.

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