Chapter 14- Epilogue

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5 months later

"You can't be serious." Dean asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, let's get a house, together." Cas said.

"Oh my goodness!" Dean jumped onto Cas, making him fall onto the couch.

Dean peppered kisses on cas's face and neck.

"You. Are. Such. An. Amazing. Boyfriend." He punctuated with each kiss.

"I know." Cas smirked.

"Shut up you dork." Dean said, finally pressing his lips on cas's. Cas immediately opened his mouth and mixed his tongue with deans. Dean straddled cas's waist and put his hands on cas's chest.

Dean moaned and lifted his hands into Castiels hair, pulling it lightly. Cas groaned when dean pulled harder. Cas grabbed deans hips and flipped them over. Cas's gripped deans hips and kissed him harder.

Cas rubbed against him, pushing his hands into deans shirt and felt deans slight abs. Dean felt cas get harder against him. Dean reached between them and massaged cas's member.

Castiel stopped what he was doing and heavily panted into the crook of deans neck.

"Fuck dean..." Castiel panted into deans ear, pushing against the hand for more delicious friction.

Dean rubbed harder, his own dick starting to harden.

Dean whispered dirty but sweet things into cas's ear, slipping his hand into Castiels sweats.

I think you know what happened next...

Dean was breathing quickly.

"We haven't done that in a week, damn." Dean panted lightly.

"Uh-huh, because you decided to go stay with Charlie for five days." Cas replied, while wrapping his hands around deans stomach.

"What, I can't hang out with my best friend, you know I have a life outside of this old cabin."

"I know, but it was still your fault."

"Shut up." Dean said playfully, hitting Cas in the chest. Cas grabbed his hand and pulled dean closer to him, close enough till dean could hear Castiels soothing heartbeat.

Dean chuckled, and closed his eyes smiling, likening the warmth of Cas's chest and his

What a couple of months.

He couldn't be more happy in the arms of his angel.

This epilogue was pretty short, but I thought to add a little smut (which sucked).

Hope this writing didn't make you cringe to much.

Also probably gonna post another book so bye👋🏼.

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