Chapter 10- Prepared

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Castiel has to drive to three other different places. They had picked up Jo, Jody, and Garth. Cas felt quite uncomfortable under their gazes. Sam had told them about him being an angel. Though they weren't very happy, well Garth, the positive being he was didn't hold grudges against Cas like, Jo and Jody did. They weren't very friendly, but they held it together for dean. They had set down all of the gear—that was inside the impalas trunk— on the table. Sam put down a paper and gave Cas a black marker.

"Make the best outline you can of what heaven looks like." Sam said.

Cas drew squares that were shaped differently around the paper, and drew a big circle and a little circle inside it. He gave Sam the marker back. He pointed at the tiny squares.

"These are just the training areas and weapon supplies." Cas said then pointed at the circle one.

"This the center, the palace it keeps all the angels there, it teaches them about how to fight and etcetera. All the way at the top is where the archangels Gabriel, Raphael, Micheal and Lucifer stay, and probably where they took dean." Castiel informed.

"So how are we suppose to get in if the place is filled with winged-dicks?" Jo asked, standing up from her chair and walking towards the table.

"There is one specific place where angels aren't allowed only the archangels." Cas said.

"Where's that." Garth asked, from the corner of the room.

"Just behind the palace, their are about..... seven "special" angels guarding it." Castiel said.

"What makes them angels so special." Jody spoke up.

Cas shrugged, "I don't know, no one has seen them."

"So, no one knows what they look like, don't you angels get curious are something." Jo raised an eyebrow, chuckling.

"We do, but we are trained to follow orders, also they have angel watch outs. From what I heard if anyone discovers they get eliminated immediately, that's how special this place is."

"So, how are we suppose to get in." Jody asked.

"There is a myth that there is another way." Castiel said.

"A myth, that's it." Jo said.

Castiel opened his mouth to speak.

"Hey, this is the only chance we have to save dean, so I'll take anything you got Cas." Sam smiled.

For about an hour they settled a plan. They decided that they would take a chance on the myth, there is a little opening into heaven, that was made for the humans a long time ago. Sometimes the angels couldn't always go down, so they chose a few special humans such as Cain and Abel and a couple others, to go up to heaven. Garth and Jo had backpacks, stuffed with smoke bombs that they made, it wouldn't hurt the angels but the angels wouldn't be able to see. Everyone else had angel blades in their pockets. They had soon got into the impala and drove to this secret little entrance. Apparently this "secret little entrance" was at a public playground. Sam, Jo, and Jody found it a little odd, Garth well he was Garth so he didn't think anything weird about it.

Once they got to the playground they all got out.

"Sooo, this is the place." Jo said.

Cas nodded.

"Okay, what are we supposed to do-" Jo was cut off.

Sam shushed everyone ducking behind the car, and motioning for them to do the same. He looked at Cas, "you didn't tell us it was guarded." Sam whisper-shouted, he motioned over the car over to the playground slide with his hand.

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