Chapter 9- Only one person

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Cas laid in bed, sleeping. His eyes fluttered open slightly. He rolled onto his side and closed his eyes. He grunted in discomfort. He rolled side to side trying to get comfortable. He got into a comfortable position and started falling asleep. He felt a vibration, he opened his eyes and sat up. Rubbing his eyes. He looked around the room and-

Glass flew through the windows. Castiel covered his head using his arms. He rolled off the bed and ducked under the bed in instinct. When the room was silent. He looked under the bed of what he could see. He found a angel blade under it. He grabbed it and held it close. The bed was thrown over. Castiel was dragged up to the wall. A woman wrapped her hands wrapped around his throat. He wheezed for air. He gripped his angel blade and stabbed it through the woman.

A light blue emitted from her eyes and mouth. The light died down and the woman fell.

An angel. It was. He heard loud thudding in..... deans room? His eyes widened and he ran into  the hall. He ran to deans room and he stood by the door frame. Dean was by another angel.

"Dean!" He shouted. The angel hit dean with its blade, knocking him unconscious. Cas ran towards them but they were gone before he could get them.

He stomped his feet.

He sighed, he thought about what to do. He got an idea. He grabbed one of deans sweaters and the impalas keys. He ran out the door and towards the black car. He hopped in and shoved the keys into the ignition. He pressed the gas pedal and drove off.

He arrived at the town, hopping out and running towards the blue house. He knocked on the door hard. Sam opened the door, hair frizzled and eyes barely opened.

"Cas?" He said quietly in confusion.

Cas pushes pass Sam and slams the door.

"Deansintroubleandineedyourhelp." He rushed.

Sam blinked.


"Deansintroubleandineedyourhelp." He said again.

"What?" Sam asked.

Castiel opened his mouth.

"Slower." Sam said.

"Deans in trouble and I need your help." Castiel said just a bit slower.

Sam's eyes widened.


He dragged Castiel by his arm and sat him down on the couch.

"Tell me everything." Sam said.

"I don't know, angels came and they just attacked us, they took dean." Cas explained.

"Why would angels come for you, dean has been quiet for a while."

Castiel looked at the couch. Sam noticed the angels odd behavior.

"Castiel? Is there something you want to tell me?"

"Nope." Cas said quietly.

"Cas." Sam said a bit more sternly.

Cas sighed.

"I- im- an..... a-angel." Cas said. Closing his eyes waiting for him to shout at him to get out or try to hit him. But nothing came. He opened his right eye. Sam was just staring at him with his jaw dropped to the floor, he meant that figuratively of course his jaw wasn't really all the way to the flo- nevemind. He opened his left eye and waited for Sam's answer.

"An-an-an ............angel?" Sam said astonished at his confession. A angel, wow that was NOT expected.

"Yes." He said.

Injured Angel                                                 ~Destiel~Where stories live. Discover now