Chapter 13- Last chance

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Micheal passed through, upset and angry someone decided to ruin his victorious kill. He marched down to some guards that were at the door.

"What is happening!" He yelled out of anger.

"Sir, the-the angel traitor has been let go." An angel stuttered, afraid.

"What!? You had one job and you couldn't do that right, IDIOTS!" He stormed off. He was pissed. He made his way to the main room, he opened the door so fast it was a blur. His brother, Lucifer, was pacing around the room.

"What is happening out there?" Lucifer asked.

"That angel traitor was let go." Micheal snarled.

"The angel traitor? Who?" Lucifer asked confused, he had heard no such betrayal from an angel.

"Castiel." Micheal simply answered.

"Castiel? But wasn't he our most trusted and loyal?"

"A human omega corrupted him, oh we should have wiped them from existence long ago."

"If the angel, Castiel, betrayed us and heaven, wouldn't he go save the human omega!?"

Lucifer wasn't fond of humans, but he didn't have the kind of hatred Micheal had.

Micheals eyes widened, oh what an idiot he was. He ran out of the room and down the hall.
He made his way to the dungeon, and looked inside where the human was suppose to be. He banged his fist hard onto the metal. A huge fist dent went through it. It was gone.

10 minutes earlier

Dean stayed still relief, oh if that ringing hadn't started he's be dead. He was terrified, he heard shouts. He sat like that for five minutes, then of a sudden he heard screams and light appear from the crack underneath the door.

The door opened slowly, he closed his eyes, he did not wish it to be Michael, or some random rogue angel.

"Dean." He heard, he recognized that voice.

He opened his eyes.


Cas crouched down to him and grabbed an angel blade, slicing the cuffs off.

Dean made a move to stand up but his legs were wobbly from not being used often. He started to fall and panicked he grabbed onto Cas and pulled him down.

He fell with a grunt, he sat up and felt a cushion underneath him. Oops, he fell on top of Cas. He blushed hard, and got off of him fast.

"Sorry." Dean cleared his throat.

Castiel got up, "it's fine, let's uh, let's get going."

Dean nodded and they rushed out of the door.

Dean followed Cas, cause, he had no idea where the exit was. Castiel ran down the hallway farther towards the other dungeons.

"What are we doing here, aren't we suppose to leave." Dean asked, almost out of breath.

"Sorry I didn't tell you, but your brother, Sam, Jody, Jo and Garth came so they could help me with this 'rescue mission'."

"Oh- wait what!?"

They arrived at where the humans were, Castiel opened up the big door and there they were.

Sam, Jody, Jo, and Garth.

"Sammy!" Dean yelled, pulling Sam off of the floor and pulling him into a tight hug.

"Dean, oh thank goodness your okay." Sam huffed in relief.

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