Chapter 5- invitation

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Dean had showed Castiel the basics such as sarcasm and jokes. Castiel was a fast learner, dean had observed. As the day passed dean had grown more fond of the alpha angel. When night came, They were sitting on the couch watching Dr. Sexy MD.

"What makes this "Dr. Sexy" sexy?" Castiel asked.

Dean playfully gasped. Castiel looked at dean, worried he said something wrong.

"What do mean what makes him sexy, I mean look at him. With the- the doctor outfit and... cowboy boots. Who doesn't think he's sexy." Dean pointed out.

"Oh, my apologies, if I had know it would have offended you, I would not have asked." Castiel said.

Castiel looked at the tv, being completely quiet for five minutes that dean started to get worried.

"Hey, Cas you alright buddy." He asked, starting to get a little concerned.

Cas nodded.

Dean turned his head around, looking out the window. It was getting pretty dark. They would have to be getting to sleep- well he had to. He didn't think angels slept. Castiel only slept because he was wounded. Dean sighed back and yawned, he tried getting up but was to tired, he was starting to fall into a deep sleep. He started leaning, until he felt a soft cushion on the right side of his head. He fell asleep.

The next day. He felt a warmth around his back and on his chest, and soft breathing next to his ear. He started leaning into the warmth. Then snapped his eyes open in surprise. What the hell. He tried turning his head backwards. He was met with black hair. Oh it was just Cas, dean started to fall back asleep.

Oh shoot! It was Cas?!

He panicked a little, he tried wiggling out of the strong. Only for his hips to hit Cas's. He paused then tried moving again. His hips hitting cas's again. The angels crotch hit the middle of his ass. He froze. He moved his hips again. Only to accidentally grind on Castiels crotch. He felt a slight moan in his ear. He shut his eyes. When he felt the angel move his hips a little. He decided it was time to wake him up.

"Cas." He whispered.

The angel only moved a little. When he felt the angels "thing" start to harden. He started to get louder.

"Cas!" He yelled.

Castiel woke up, he squinted his eyes, he loosened his grip on dean. Dean got out of cas's space and stood up— now fully awake— he sighed heavily, the angel was still waking up from his nap. Before Castiel could say anything. Dean headed straight for the bathroom, locking the door. He looked at the mirror. If he was being honest he kinda.. liked it. Dean shook his head left to right, he turned the sinks knob. He filled his hands with cold water and splashed his face. Shaking off the inappropriate thoughts. He brushed his teeth and came out the bathroom and back to the living room.

He purposely avoided cas's gaze and sat awkwardly on the couch again. He leaned back.

"I'm gonna go back to sleep." He said, then started falling back to sleep. Making sure to lean the opposite side of Castiels way.

When dean woke up, he was in his own bed, he yawned and flung the blanket— that was over him— off and stood up. Maybe a little to fast. He got dizzy and used his hands to still himself. When he shook the dizziness off. He walked out. He checked the guest room, Cas wasn't there, he checked the living room and bathroom, Cas wasn't there either. He walked into the kitchen and was hit by the smell of pancakes. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he opened his eyes and saw that the angel was in front of the oven, a spatula in his hand. The omega walked over to Castiel.

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