Chapter 8- Missing angel

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In heavens palace

"So you're telling me we lost three angels and one is missing." Micheal growled, he was NOT happy.

The angels stuttered

"Yes... bu-but we know where the angel Castiel is-is." One angel said.

The angels seemed to relax a bit at the good news.


"That's the weird part." Then the angel paused.

Micheal narrowed his eyes.
"Go on."

"He's- he's living with a... human omega."

"A human omega." Micheal said, confused. That was pretty weird.

"Yes, our resources say that he has been taking care of Castiel, they have become... what is the saying?.... Friends!, freinds yes."

Micheal thought for a moment, not once has he heard of a human taking care of an angel.

"Bring it."

The angels looked confused.

"Bring me the omega." Micheal said.

The angels stood, looking around.

"Now!" Micheal shouted. Then they started going back to work.


Dean woke up with a slight headache, rubbing his temple. He threw the covers over him. He heard sounds coming from the guest room.


He ran to the room, the bathroom closed and vomiting sounds coming out of it. He opened the door. Cas was on his knees with his head hovering over the toilet bowl. Dean gagged a little, squeezing his nose. He walked over to Cas patting his back. Startling him a little, Cas threw up more. Dean looked away. Dean patted cas's back a little more. He would have been a little more prepared if he knew that the angel would sick the next morning.

When the angel was finished, dean grabbed a towel and gave it to Cas. The angel thanked him and wiped his mouth, going over to the sink and brushing his teeth. Dean left to go get some aspirin, Castiel probably had the biggest headache ever. When he walked back in Cas was passed out on the guest bed.

He chuckled and walked over to him, shaking him softly. Cas grunted and sat up. Dean gave him like three pills and a glass of water. The angel looked at the cup of water and pills in confusion.

"You swallow these." Putting the pills in the angels hand.

"And this helps you do that." The omega said, handing the cup of water in cas's other hand. Cas followed the humans instructions, putting the pills in his mouth lazily and drinking water. He blinked and gave dean the empty cup. Dean walked out to the kitchen and placed the cup in the dirty dishes, walking back to the guest room, to make sure Cas was okay. Cas was snoring slightly. Dean felt bad for waking him up, but he had to make sure the angel was okay.

Dean shook him once again.

"Are you okay Cas." The angel nodded and fell back to sleep. When dean got up to leave he felt a warm hand around his wrist, he looked back. The angel was grabbing his wrist and looking at him, he only said two words

"Please." The angel begged. Dean looked anywhere expect the angels eyes.

"I don't know Cas, I have to do the dishes and laundry and-" the omega looked at the alpha. Dammit he wanted to say no, but those damn pleading eyes made him change his mind

He sighed.

"Ok." He said softly. Castiel let go of his wrist and smiled. Dean walked over to the other side of the bed and awkwardly got under the covers. Cas so bluntly flipped onto his right and wrapped his arms around deans waist. Nuzzling his face between deans neck and the pillow. Dean tensed before relaxing. He closed his eyes and unconsciously sunk into Castiels warmth.


Dean woke up, his eyes fluttering open. He looked around he had changed positions. He was so close to Cas he was practically on top of him. Dean blushed and steadily got off him, removing their tangled limbs and slowly getting out the bed. Castiel switched onto his left side and nuzzled into a pillow instead.

Dean left and decided he wanted to finish the chores so he could relax until dinner time.

He did the dishes first. Washing them with soap and drying them with a wash cloth. When he finished. He went into his room and grabbed the basket of dirty clothes and went into one of the rooms that, of course, had a washing machine. He dumped the basket on the floor and left going into the guest room. He picked up cas's or his dirty clothes off the floor and walked back into the dim-lighted room. He opened the washing machine and dumped the clothes into it.

He poured in the powder and detergent, and shut the tiny glass door, when he pressed a button and the machine started vibrating, making a soft rumble. Signaling dean that it was on. He began walking upstairs, when he felt the room shake for a moment, he stood still then the shaking stopped, he began moving again and it started shaking but harder. He got at the top of the stairs and watched as the hallway shook. A loud high pitched ring flood his ears.

He covered his ears with his hands and immediately thought angels. He ran to his room, quickly searching for the angel blade.

Damn ME, where did I put that darn thing!

He moved his hands around, finally grabbing the angel blade but to only have it fly out his hand as he was thrown across the room. He grunted at the impact, he shakily began sitting up. A strong hand grabbed his shoulder squeezing it, pain and dizziness flooded deans body. He opened his eyes a panicked figure stood at the door and dean heard it shout something. Then everything was pitch black.

Quick note

Sorry, this is a short chapter. I've been busy thinking about where I'm going with this story

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