Chapter 2- Crazy red-head

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As the war continued humans got smarter and angels also did. They builded bigger and better buildings and weapons, angels repeated those steps. But that didn't stop the innocent bloodshed. On November 2, 1983. As Mary Winchester mother of two was sleeping in her room. She heard baby cry's, she sighed softly and walked to Sammy's room. She saw a man standing over her baby with a knife. Her eyes widened, she screamed. Catching the figures attention for second before running towards it she tackled it down, its wings thrashed around as she pinned it down with a struggle. Before she lost her grip. She was now the one pinned as the knife came closer and closer. Footsteps could be heard running up the stairs. The angels attention went to the door. Mary took that as her chance to catch it off guard pushing it off.

It fell with a thud, before Mary could do anything, it fled through the opened window. John, her husband, came through the door. Clearly in panic mode. He relaxed when he saw Mary and Sammy were ok. Mary stood up and grabbed Sammy, quickly. Mary looked at John.

"We have to-" Mary stopped mid-sentence. She stumbled her way towards John. John was confused till he saw the silver poking out her back, his eyes widened. Before she could fall with Sammy in her arms John grabbed him and watched as Mary fell to the ground. John fell on his knees.

"Ma-Mary." He choked out. She put her hand in his.

"Ke..keep my baby's safe." She gasped. John let tears fall, he stood up and left, hesitantly. He went into deans room and grabbed him and put Sammy in his tiny arms, John told dean to take his brother outside. He did. John took one more glance at Mary and followed his boys. He grabbed them together and ran.

As they got older John trained them to fight. When they presented as omegas that didn't stop the harsh treatment. His boys were about 14 and 10 when he left to war. He left them with their uncle Bobby and aunt Ellen. He fought a good war till 1993, January 4. During a battle he was stabbed from behind. Dean and Sam cried as they were told the news by their uncle Bobby. Dean has hated angels since they took away his parents. As dean got older, he decided he wanted to live away from the war from the killing. He planned to go to the old forest and live in a cabin and he did just that. While Sam stayed.

Now here he is living by himself, in a lonely cabin. He usually just cooks and watches nature. It is very rare that Sam or anybody comes to visit him. But he likes the peacefulness. Though he has to stay hidden. Even if he is in the forest, angels do pass through. His cabin looks old and nasty on the outside for protection, he camouflages the cabin into looking like no one lives there. He has killed a few angels usually alphas who have tried taking him or killing him, for whatever reason.

As dean sat on the couch, watching television. He heard a snap, of a twig. He quietly but quickly grabbed his angel blade. As his heart beat rapidly. He made his way to the front door. He held the angel blade high. As the knob of the door, made the slightest movements, and clicked. When it opened, he was about to attack his intruder. Until his eyes widened.

"Charlie?" Dean said. Charlie was his alpha best friend, they had been friends since they were 16, he never worried about Charlie being an alpha because she was into girls, anyways. Charlie stood still with her arms covering her face from danger. She took a deep breath and put her hand her heart.

"What the heck. Charlie, I could have stabbed you." Dean said, looking at her like she was crazy. He placed the angel blade down.

"Sorry, just had to come quick." Charlie said, still recovering.

"You couldn't send me a text?"

"Eh, that would have ruined the surprise." Charlie said, walking into the cabin and sitting on the couch.

"Yeah, scared me half to death, you idiot." Dean rolled his eyes.

Dean walked over to the couch and sat next to Charlie. She was focused on the Dr. Sexy MD show that was on.

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