Chapter 11- angels

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"We'll just have to pretend to be angels." Cas said.

"We have to pretend to be angels?, aren't they gonna like... know we are humans." Jo scoffed.

"Not if you talk, walk and act like an angel then... no." Cas replied.

"That's..... actually not a bad plan, this could really work." Sam nodded.

"How are we suppose to learn how to act like an angel in.... what?- seven, eight minutes." Jo said.

"I mean all you have to do is use high vocabulary and walk like you have a stick up your ass- no offense, Castiel." Jody shrugged.

"None taken." Cas assured.

"Alright, Cas can teach us the basics, right?" Sam asked the angel.

"Yes, I could teach some..basics.. on how to act like a angel." Cas told them.

"Alright let's get to it." Garth said, smiling, almost forgot he was there.

After about eight minutes, Jo, Jody, Sam and Garth, were taught the basics of being an angel. If being honest, they sucked, they were not gonna be able to pass as angels. But time ran out, so that's all they have.

"Alright, are you guys ready." Sam asked them, they were wearing some suits, they had gotten to one of the training areas and killed some angels taking their clothing and using it to disguise themselves.

They nodded, they all marched sorta of, when they got up to the front gate. The real angels but their weapons up, "Castiel." One snarled. Guess they already knew about his little relationship with a human.

Cas put his hands up in defense to show he showed no plan of fighting, "Please brother, sister let me explain." He begged.

"Why should we?" The same one growled, pointing their weapons at him.

The humans looked at Cas, in nervousness, hoping he will come up with something.

"B-because.. because what you heard wasn't true." Cas said in fake confidence, straight if himself to look more intimidating.

The angels looked at him in disbelief, "really, why should we believe you."

"Because, I was only letting a disgusting human take care of me cause I was weak, as you know, because of the fight, some of the  angels had taken a lot of damage, including me. The only way to survive, was to let that abomination of a omega to help me." Cas said, making it seem like the thought of the omega disgusted him, only it was actually the opposite.

He waited for a response, he mentally sighed in relief when the angels lowered their weapons, "okay, we believe in you."

He nodded and smiled, he started to walk towards the big doors, but he was stopped once again. "May I ask, what are your names." The blonde angel asked the fake angels.

Cas eyes widened as he looked at the humans, he could see the panic inside their eyes.

Sam spoke first, "we-well my name is..... Samnial." He smiled nervously. Cas would have literally facepalmed himself.

"Samnial?..... I have not heard of that name which garrison are you from?" The blonde asked again.

"I- um-" he stuttered looking at Cas for help.

Cas mouthed, '221'

"2-221." Sam said, almost sweating.

The angel, didn't look confused anymore, that made Sam relax.

"Ah yes, Baaniels group, yes, they are very secretive, maybe that's why I did not know your name."

Sam chuckled nervously, "yes, well we um- don't really go out often." He gulped.

Cas smiled at them and started to walk again, only to be annoyingly stopped, again.

"And the others."

The rest looked a little nervous.

"Jomiel." Jo said.

"Jodmendal." Jody said again, then Garth followed behind them.

"Garthial." He said enthusiastically, with a wide grin.

It was pretty easy to come up with names of an angel all you had to do was put a, iel, al, or just a regular name.

The angels looked skeptical but finally let them go inside, they walked inside the big castle, The humans looked astonished, and had a glint in their eyes like they had just seen wonderland.

"Wow." Garth said.

Cas also looked around, he had only been in this place once, but he was too young to remember. He had been a couple hundred years old, which was pretty young, you could compare that young of an angel to a four year old human.

But he stopped they had a mission that was save dean.

Dean looked around the dark room, his hands were cuffed, he was practically hanging from them. The angels came in, as usual with some bread and water, he didn't know what they wanted with him, they never talked, they ignored him when he asked questions such as, 'where am I' or 'what do you want from me'.

But today was different, they actually spoke this time.

"The alpha archangel Micheal wants to see you." An angel said then began walking out, with the rest following.

Deans eyes widened,

"WHAT?! WAIT WHY DOES HE WANT TO-" he screamed to get their attention but was cut off by the loud bang of the door closing.

He sighed, he laughed, praying right now wouldn't be such a bad thing. So he did.

Cas if you can hear me, I only hope you are looking for me, I am in some dungeon and the angels took me please come•

Cas heard the prayer ring through his hears like a bell, "I know where dean is!" He exclaimed.


Sorry for the cliffhanger, but I decided to make this one shorter.

I have some news, I have changed my mind, I will be making a book that is just gay fiction and one Destiel, but I don't know when. Maybe after a long time after I finish this book. As this is my very first story that has even got this amount of readers, I am very proud of myself, but I can't help but thank the people reading this.

Especially, @HeatherTrent5, for voting in every single chapter of my book and motivating me to create new chapters, I appreciate it, I wasn't really given that much motivation in the beginning, but now I really want to keep writing and creating more books that will hopefully be better than this one.

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