Chapter 3- Injured angel

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It was an angel.

An angel?!

Dean backed away farther. It appeared to be an alpha. The angel moved its fingers slightly. There appeared to be a big wound through its silver armor on its chest plate. Dean had no idea what to do. This one was injured. He's killed multiple angels, he came closer to the angel with his blade. He was about to stab it, but he couldn't. Why couldn't he? It just looked so... harmless. He backed away and sighed. He put his hands on the sides of his head. He focused his attention on the injured angel. He thought about what to do. He knew he was gonna regret this. He knew that he was letting the number one thing he hated most into his home. He regretted a lot of things. So, no going back now.

He crouched by the angel and stuffed his hands under the limp body—making sure to not touch or hit the wings— he lifted up the body with a grunt. He stumbled slightly from the heavy body in his hands. He was honestly surprised he could carry it. He walked over to his cabin, kicking the door open. He walked in and towards the couch and he dumped the body on it. He wiped his hands together. He crouched by the couch. He grabbed the silver helmet with both his hands, he lifted it up. He was granted with a mop of black hair and pale skin. He carefully wiped the hair away.

The angel who was apparently a man, wasn't that bad looking. Wow from the other angels he's seen they did not compare. Dean shook his head. This is not time for comparisons. He went into the bathroom and grabbed a clean cloth and a bowl with water. He walked back into the living room. He placed the items down and gently grabbed the angel blade.

The armor wasn't gonna come off itself. He gently but firmly placed the angel blade on the silver and slid it across. He made sure to not hurt the skin under. When it was off he did the same to the arms and legs. He peeled off the shoulder armor and chest plate. The big wound on his chest now visible. It wasn't a deep cut, so it wouldn't need stitches.

When he was doing the legs, he ripped them off, they were stuck to skin. When off they-

"WOAH." He covered his eyes.

Apparently angels don't wear underwear.

He looked away and walked to the bathroom quickly. He grabbed a towel and came back with a hand covering the bottom half of the naked angel. He threw the towel onto the angels abdomen, covering.. you know what. He uncovered his eyes. He sighed. The dark-haired angel also had a nice body.


He grabbed the cloth and bowl from earlier and started wiping the extra blood and dirt on the mans body. Purposely avoiding the wound. When done, he started cleaned the wound very gently. The angel squirmed lightly but not waking up. Dean paused for a moment then continued. When he finished and the wound was clean. He paused. What was he suppose to do now. Leave it here or throw it in the guest room.

The guest room. He decided

He was about to carry it. Then he remembered the angel was still in a towel. He took the risk. He sighed and covered his eyes again, he carefully unwrapped the towel and uncovered his eyes, but he looked away. He used his hands to go under the angels body and wrap the towel around its waist again.

He tied the knot tightly. He looked at the angel. He then proceeded to wrap his hands around its abdomen awkwardly. He carried it over to the guest room. He opened the door with his foot and laid the angel down on the bed, softly.

Dean grabbed the covers and hesitantly put the covers on top of the angel. He paused for a moment. He took a deep breath and tip-toed across the floor out the door. He walked out to the living room. He sat on the couch and leaned back. he pulled out his phone and unlocked it. He immediately clicked Charlie's contact. He wanted to make sure Charlie got home safe. Hopefully she didn't get into any trouble down the path home.

Dean- hey Charlie


Charlie- hey bitch.

Dean chuckled.


Dean- did you get home safe.


Charlie- yeah why?

Dean debated wether to tell her the truth or lie. He didn't want her to worry so he lied.


Dean- no reason, thought I saw coyote outside earlier.


Charlie- oh ok


Dean paused for a moment. He wanted to know more about this girl Charlie is seeing.

Dean- so, was your yet-girlfriend there


Charlie- yeah, and the se-...

Dean stopped reading. He did not want to hear about his best friends sex life. Guess that's a check off the avoiding talking about her love life.


Dean- too much information Charles.


Charlie- you asked

Dean rolled his eyes. He yawned. His vision got blurry and he felt like his energy had been worn out.


Dean- yeah my bad. Alright got to go Charles.


Charlie- see ya dean-o


Dean- bye Charlie.

He shut off his phone. He stood up and walked to his room and laid on the bed. He was tired from the long day. Plus he had an angel to deal with tomorrow, he couldn't let it stay here, he didn't even know if it is hostile. It could have been playing, well the wound looked pretty real. He couldn't sleep that much that night barely six hours of sleep. His thoughts went to the angel. What was he going to do with him? He groaned. What was he going to do with the body's outside?! All these questions ran through his mind. He was gonna have to ask Sam about angels, he knew more than dean. He was really geeky about angels. Dean couldn't understand why. He's always blamed angels for everything. Ugh! He covered his head with his pillow and finally rested his mind giving him his six hours.

Injured Angel                                                 ~Destiel~Where stories live. Discover now