Chapter 7- Drunk angel

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As time passed, dean had finally agreed to let Charlie give Cas shots again. After a lot of shots, the angel had finally got drunk, head over his heels drunk. He would not remember anything the next day drunk.

The angel was currently had a beer in his hand and stumbling around, taking random sizes of sips at a time. Dean was listening to Kevin ramble about the time he had accidentally opened a box filled with rats. Dean glanced around, his eyes settling on Cas— who was stumbling to the kitchen with a empty bottle— dean noted and excused himself from Kevin, he jogged over to Castiel. He stopped him from reaching the mini fridge.

"Hey Cas, I think we are gonna leave now." Dean whispered to Cas.

Cas looked like he was about to protest but dean grabbed his wrist and dragged him towards the front door, saying a quick 'goodbye' to everyone. When he was to leave the front door, the younger Winchester appeared.

"Leaving already dean, it's only.....10:00." Sam looked at his watch.

"Sorry Sammy, but I really gotta go." He really did, before Cas outed them or did something incredibly stupid. But the way Sam is he took it the wrong way.

He looked between Cas and dean, and did a tiny smirk.

"Alright dean, don't want to hold you back." Sam said, still smirking.

Dean flushed pink and made his way past Sam.

"Make sure to use protection." Sam whispered, only dean being able to hear. Dean glared and flipped him off.

He opened the door and dragged Cas out and to the impala. He, awkwardly, opened the passenger seat with one hand and threw Cas inside. He made his way quickly to the driver seat. He slid inside and started the car, he doesn't know why he is in such a rush. He felt something hit his thighs, making it warm. He looked down. Cas had laid his head between the omegas thighs and did little tiny snores.

"Cas." He whispered.

"Cassss." He dragged out.

"Cas." He hissed, moving his leg up and down. Making cas's head bounce. Cas made a sound that told dean he unapproved of deans actions. Castiel placed a hand on deans leg and put pressure on it, making the shaking stop. Dean blushed, angels were very strong. He for sure knew that but had forgot that fact. He decided to drive off. While he let cas's head rest on his thighs, he made no movement past his lower body. He arrived at the cabin and took his keys out of the ignition, he the car door and gently slid the angels head off his legs. Placing his head on the black leather seat. He ducked and got out the car and took a deep breath.

He looked at the angel, it made movement to show that it was awake. He sighed, and shook the angels shoulder making it grunt, making it scoot away from dean as best as he could.

Dean shook it once again, making Castiel growl. Dean pulled back, not wanting it to... bite him or something. He thought of an idea, he sighed, he would just have to carry him. He muttered a swear. He walked to laying alpha and gently slid his hands under its armpits, dragging it closer to him. He picked it up with shaking hands and threw Castiels head over his shoulder, cas's hands wrapped around deans neck. As instinct, the omega let him do as pleased. Cas wrapped his legs around deans shaking body, nuzzling into his shoulder. Dean froze, pausing before glancing at the angel.

He took a deep breath and shakily walked to the cabin, he had his hands on the angels thighs, holding him up. He grabbed his keys with one hand and struggled to open the door. When he finally opened it he walked inside carrying the angel to the guest room. He arrived and walked to the edge of the bed. He gently unwrapped cas's arms and legs away from his body and laid him on his bed. He was definitely not changing the angel, that was a no-no zone. He grabbed the covers and covered Castiel with them. He stepped back cautiously and clenched his eyes and hands when the floor creaked, loudly.

He opened one of his eyes hesitantly and took and let a breath out of relief when he saw Cas still asleep, he made his way out the room , when he heard mumbles he heard from Cas. He looked inside and saw the angel move and whisper something over and over. Dean took the risk and walked in to get a better range to hear what the angel was saying. The angel mumbled again, deans eyes widened as he realized the angel was mumbling his name. He gently whimpered a dean. Dean had thought it was from a nightmare.

He whispered 'Cas' gently, the angel whispered more. The human has worry written all over his face. He gently shakes the angel, hoping he wouldn't growl again. The angel slowly opened his eyes.

"Hey buddy you okay." He asked.

The angels sleepy gaze were on his eyes when they fell down to his lips. Dean was about to ask what was wrong, until he felt a pair of warm lips on his mouth, he froze in shock as the angel kissed his lips softly. His thoughts ran wild, but he slowly let his eyes closed and kissed back, their lips almost moving in a perfect rhythm. After about 10 seconds, dean snapped his eyes back open separating their lips.

This was wrong, he thought. He shouldn't be taking advantage of Cas, he was his friend, plus an angel, this was very very VERY wrong. When the angel tried to get another kiss. Dean leaned back and held the angels shoulders. Slowly pushing him back down in the bed and quickly fixed the covers back on him and left.

He shut the rooms door and breathed heavily, he made his way to his room— or ran to be exact— and rushed inside, he closed his eyes and tried to forgot that happened, he quickly changed his clothes and laid on the bed, trying to fall asleep, his thoughts tried to focus on anything but the kiss but it wasn't working. He finally thought about, he smiled softly and touched his lips, his face turned to confusion. Why had he liked it, Cas was drunk anyways so he wouldn't even remember it. He reassured himself. The reassurance wasn't very reassuring but made him disappointed. He wouldn't admit but... the thought of the angel not remembering it, made him.... sad.

He shook his head and winked into the warm bed forgetting these thoughts he finally fell asleep. As he slept the only thing he saw through the pitch black of his eyelids was big blue oceans icy.... eyes.

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