Chapter 4- Confusion

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Dean woke up the next morning. He tried moving his hands but hissed instead. He groggily looked up at his hands. Silver handcuffs were around his wrists. He became aware he wasn't at his cabin but was in the woods.  He looked forwards and started panicking. A figure stood in front of him when the blurriness faded away. He cursed at himself mentally. It was the dark-haired angel, but it was fully clothed. We're those his clothes? He started to struggle, trying to get out the handcuffs.

"There is no use in trying to get them off, there on tight." A deep voice came from the angel.

He stopped struggling.

The alpha crouched down in front of him. The angel had a angel blade in his pocket. So, even if dean did manage to get out. He'd probably stab him. Or kill him.

"What is your motive?" The angel asked. Slight confusion written on his face.

Dean furrowed his eyebrows.

"My motive?" Dean asked. He was confused what this guy accused him of.

"Yes, your motive. You bring me into your house, strip me out of my armor and put me in a bed while just in a towel." He said, bluntly.

Dean blushed out of embarrassment.

"I was only trying to help dude, and I'm sure you noticed the big wound across your chest." Dean said, trying to keep out the awkwardness in his voice.

The alpha stared at him as the omega squirmed slightly under the uncomfortable gaze.

"You also need someone to take care of your wound cause I noticed your wings were hurt, and you can't take care of yourself." Dean rambled out an explanation.

The alpha just stared at him.

The angel stood up and took out his angel blade bringing it to dean. Dean clenched his eyes shut, and clenched his hands into fist. Ready for a sharp pain. It never came. He felt movement from his wrists and opened his eyes. His hands were free. He sighed happily but then tensed and tried backing away farther but only slid up the tree. The angel backed away.

"I'll trust you for now." The angel said. Dean relaxed. He didn't even know the guys name. If he was gonna take care of some random angels wound he might as well know it's name.

He put his hand out hesitantly.

"My name is dean."

The dark-haired angel just stared at his hand in confusion.

Dean shook his hand a little.

"Your supposed to shake it." Dean said.

The angel gently shook his hand.

"What's your name." Dean asked. He sounded like a five year old meeting a stranger.

"Castiel." Castiel said.

"Alright, Castiel how about you put that blade away." Dean pointed at the angel blade in Castiels hand. "Then we go back to the cabin." Dean suggested.

Castiel hesitantly put the angel blade into his pocket. Then motioned for dean to start walking. Dean looked around his surroundings. He knows the forest in and out, it shouldn't be a problem getting to his cabin. He walked west. They weren't that far away. It will take about 20 minutes to get there. Dean felt the alphas eyes burning into his back. He moved under the gaze.

When they arrived at the cabin he walked in, The angel right behind him.

He clapped his hands together. An awkward silence hung in the air while Castiel observed the inside of the cabin.

Injured Angel                                                 ~Destiel~Where stories live. Discover now