Chapter 12- Micheal

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The angel raced down the hall, the humans following behind them. A loud high-pitched ring rung in Castiels ear. Cas knew that sound, the humans couldn't hear it, it was only heard by angels. It was a sound of alarm, alerting the angels trespassers have entered heaven. Cas ran faster, hoping the humans behind him were fast enough to catch up to his speed.

He turned a corner, and but soon bumped right back. He made a move to stand up, but a sharp object pressed itself against his chest. He froze.

No no no no no....

He looked up, eight angels with spears in their hands pointed at him. The humans ran around the corner and immediately stopped.

"Take the humans, I'll take this traitor." A brunette angel said.

The humans tried running but were stopped when the other seven angels surrender them. They grabbed the humans and dragged them. The one angel left stabbed Cas in the thigh. Cas screamed in pain, he was left breathing heavily. The angel roughly pulled out the spear, Cas gave a yelp. The angel roughly dragged Cas by his collar and forced him to walk with his injured thigh.

Castiel winced, the angel looked at him in disgust, as Castiel expected, as an angel you are meant to obey, to follow orders without question. For an angel to disobey is called a disgrace, and many mor if you put your mind to it. So he expected this harsh treatment. But does he— not once— regret the decision of staying with dean and moments he spent with him. He was brutally shoved into a dark room, he can only assume was one of their dungeons.

The angel who treated him harshly started to walk out the room, but the angel stopped and looked over his shoulder.

"You might has well stop hoping you'll find that human, you call a friend. He's probably already dead by the hands of the archangel Michael. Then the angel left.

Cas froze looking at the floor. He was lying he told himself. The angel was lying. He looked at the ground and sighed. He needed to get out.

Sam watched as they threw Jo and Garth into the floor.

They closed the door, and locked it

"You alright." Sam asked. He could see the nod Garth and Jo gave.

"Now what do we do, Sam." Jody asked from the corner she was currently sitting in.

"We'll-..... we'll um, just have to.... hope?"

"Hope is out the door, Sammy."

Sam looked down sad.

"Yeah it is."

"Micheal is it really necessary to kill the poor human." Gabriel begged his older brother.

"Yes, he has too much, and has learned to much, he must be killed." Micheal said straight faced and kept walking.

Gabriel stood and stopped following. He's never wanted this kind of hatred to fall forward onto his brother or any of his other brothers. He thinks- no knows that it broke Micheals heart for god to up and leave, just disappeared, like a coward. It hurt the rest but it took a huge hit on Micheal, being the oldest, he always looked up to their father. When he left, Micheal blamed anyone but himself, he mostly blamed humans, starting war because they didn't go his way. It was very painful to see.

This poor human, this omega was going to be killed, he was probably the only human who would ever dare to take care of his enemie. He wasn't going to let his brother take this chance of peace between angels and humans away.

Dean waited, it's only been 30 minutes, but he was an impatient person. He winced at the light that entered when the rusty metal door opened.

The angels from earlier came in, but one angel he looked bigger and stronger than the rest. Dean automatically assumed, he was the archangel, Micheal. He wasn't what he expected, he expected a scary scar in his eye, or he had big bulky muscles. But he was like dean sorta, he had muscles but not to big, he had black hair, and blue eyes. Kinda like cas's but they didn't have that... spark.

'Micheal' walked up to me, I hated the way he looked at me, like I was some kind of weakling.

He crouched down, eye level to me.

He looked me up and down, "so you're the human omega, hmm."

Probably the wrong time to be sarcastic, but dean wasn't having this guy judge him.

Dean dramatically dragged his eyes up and down Michael. "So your the archangel Micheal, Hmm." Sarcasm practically dripped from his voice.

Micheal glared hard at him, grabbed him by the hair, pulling his head up.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that, you lousy miserable ape." He practically spit at dean.

Dean thought wisely and decided to stay quiet.

Micheal let go and stood back up, Micheal looked at angels.

He put his hand out behind him. A angel pulled out an angel blade and handed it Micheal. Micheal looked at him.

Dean freaked and panicked, he started kicking his feet and tried to back up against the wall like it would suck him up.

Micheal came closer than boom.

A sharp ring rang through the palace, Micheal stopped to deans relief.

Micheal whispered harshly at the angels then stormed out.

Just noticed I never put Benny in the story, my bad. I forgot I put him in here, sorry.

Lastly, I might be cutting this story short. I'll probably be writing one or two more chapters, and that's it.

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