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November 23

Bethanys POV

I heard addie leave so I sat up and faced the door I knew jonah was going to come see me, since I didn't tell him what happened when he got home. My door slowly opened for what felt like the 14th time the last hour.

"oh hey, your up" he said walking towards me and sitting next to me, I turned and sat cross-legged and so did he so we were face to face now.

"Addison told me you needed to tell me something like important" he said
I nodded "okay so you know I was at home this morning cause of your training right?" I said, he nodded
"so basically I had one of my favourite songs full blast -"
"back to you?"
"yeah back to you, anyway the house phone started to ring and I turned the volume down" I started to tear up a bit "i answered the phone and it was the army"
"yeah and what?"
"jonah dad, he got shot. He's dead" I said by now I was bawling
"omg you are joking right is this a joke?" he asked I couldn't really tell but I think he was tearing up
"no.. Dad's gone Jo" I said. He pulled me into a tight hug, and I could hear he was crying.

"why hasn't mom come home?" he asked
"she is working all day for the next few days so we won't see her"
He nodded
"Jo maybe both of us should go to bed and go to school tomorrow?"
"I can't"
"you can't go to bed or school?"
"why not?"
"I've been suspended for the rest of the week"
"well okay I'm not gonna ask" I giggled lightly, and both of us sat there for a while completely silent. Until Jo stood up and lightly waved as he left and walked to his room.

Me and him have a joint balcony and I heard his sliding door open, he always sits out there when he's stressed. I physically cant move, I haven't since zack and gabbie left. I feel quite weird without texting people but I'm guessing it's for my own good?


ᵈᵉˡⁱᵛᵉʳᵉᵈ ᵗᵉⁿ ᵖᵐ

Bethany are you okay?
ᵈᵉˡⁱᵛᵉʳᵉᵈ ᵗᵉⁿ ᶠⁱᶠᵗᵉᵉⁿ ᵖᵐ

I'm sorry about being a
Dick this morning,
Please stop avoiding
Me. I know we have only
Know eachother for a
Day literally. I don't really
Know why I'm worried
Maybe because your
Jonahs little sister?
I don't know, just get
Back to me okay?
ᵈᵉˡⁱᵛᵉʳᵉᵈ ᵗᵉⁿ ᶠᵒᵘʳᵗʸ ᶠⁱᵛᵉ ᵖᵐ

Bethy please idk why
You are doing this?
ᵈᵉˡⁱᵛᵉʳᵉᵈ ᵉˡᵉᵛᵉⁿ ᵗʷᵉⁿᵗʸ ᵖᵐ

The next morning..

I woke up to a facetime call on my mac, it was zack so I answered it.

"hey zacky" I said sleepyly
"oh I'm sorry to wake you" he replied
"it's fine, anything wrong?"
"how do I shut your phone up?"
"what do you mean?"
"you got four texts last night like all really close to eachother and I don't know who they are from"
"I can't think of anyone important so just switch it off, can I ask, when will I get it back?"
"when you come back to school, if you choose today, tomorrow, but I will feel bad so you can have it on Sunday if you don't turn up at school okay?"
"yeah okay, zack do you mind coming over?"
"what like now? Ditch school?"
"yeah only first periods though"
"okay, well I guess I'll bring your phone if you want it?"
"yeah, please"
"okay be there in a few"
I nodded and went downstairs to make me and jonah some breakfast, I am trying my hardest to deal with this, trying to be strong I didn't get a chance to really see my dad as a kid or now because he has always at war, but when jonah was a kid, just before I was born he had dad there, dad enrolled when my mom was pregnant with me, so I feel that jonah will be a quite a bit more broken than me.

I made him toast, mainly because I didn't have much experience with cooking, I took the plate and some coffee up to his room, I knocked on the door, and I heard him mumble so I opened the door and saw him sat up with red puffy eyes staring at his TV.

"hey Jo, made you some breakfast, toast and coffee"
"thanks bethy" he said as I handed it to him
I lightly smiled and him but he opened his arms for me to hug him and I did.

"Ive invited zack dempsey over, I needed on of my best friends, hope that's okay"
"that's fine bethy, talk to you later"
I nodded and walked out, the minute I closed the door, the bell went and it was obviously zack. He didn't say anything but he hugged me, and that's when I broke.

As I might of said before, me and zack have been friends since we were kids, I was in third grade (she was 8, almost 9) he was in fourth (he was 9, almost 10)....

8-9 years ago....

Dear diary,
Today I had a good day, I made a new friend :) he's in the fourth grade, his name is zack dempsey. I was alone at brake time, all my friends are on holiday, at the same time :/ anyway, I think he's Hispanic, I don't know how I know what that means, and he was walking towards me this is what we said -
"hey" - zack
"hello.." - me
"I'm zack!"
"I'm Bethany.."
"why are you alone?"
"oh because my friends are on holiday"
"all of them?"
"why are you talking to me? Aren't you in the fourth grade?"
"yes, my friends are on holiday too"
"oh cool."
"yeah do you want to be friends?"

And then we talked all brake and sat together at lunch.

Thank you for listening diary :)
-Bethany ᪥︎

"zachy..." I said pulling away from the hug
"bibs.." he said frowning "look I know it was yesterday you found out, but I didn't go back to school, I got jonah to send me voice clips from your dad and I went to build-a-bear and made you this" he handed me a bear

" he said frowning "look I know it was yesterday you found out, but I didn't go back to school, I got jonah to send me voice clips from your dad and I went to build-a-bear and made you this" he handed me a bear

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"press its stomach.." he said, and I pressed it

"I love you, my little princess.. Forever"

"and on its shirt I got pops put on the jacket, I hope you like it"
"zacky, I-i love it...." I said hugging him as tight as possible, I pulled away and hugged the bear
"oh and here's your phone" he pulled my phone from his pocket and handed it to me. I remembered that he said I had texts so I checked, it wasn't any of the girls, but it was corbyn....

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