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Three weeks later
November 23

Bethany's POV

tomorrow is the 1 year anniversary from when my dad was... shot. my mom has been given today and tomorrow off because of it, the headstone is being put in today, its taken way to long but its a really nice stone - they say it will be done by 3 pm so we are getting ready to leave for the cemetery, it wasn't very far id say 20 minute walk. anyway, ive been a mess all day and i decided i should get dressed.

It was quite warm to be fair so shorts where for it - anyway, when I got downstairs to meet with Jonah to wait for our mom to come back from the store

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It was quite warm to be fair so shorts where for it - anyway, when I got downstairs to meet with Jonah to wait for our mom to come back from the store. for a change he looked like shit, this whole thing has upset him a lot even tho he tries to hide it.

"you okay bear?" I asked
he sniffled "fine, you?"
"jo your not fine - come here" I opened my arms for him and he hugged me
"ill be fine, are you okay?" he let go of the hug and smiled at me
I smiled back
"oi you didn't answer my question, are you okay?"
"I dont think any of us will be ok for a few days will we" I chuckled
"your right there baby sis" he lightly punched my arm. we then went to sit at the island and talked for awhile before our mom got home.

"hey sweets" she said and put the bags on the table
"hey moma" I replied
"hi mom" Jonah said
"I brought you starbucks" she took two cups of coffee and handed them to us, we smiled at her as we took them - she kept the stuff, gave us a bunch of flowers each and then we left, the walk there was really sad and silent, I just walked with my head leaned on Jonah's shoulder and we had our arms interlocked, our mom walked behind us, she was on the phone with her sister the whole walk.

the way back...

we put the flowers in the holders and stayed there for a bit, we all cried a lot but mom didnt wanna stay too long so we had to go home quite soon. the walk home was so much worse, I cried so much I had no energy so Jonah carried me home, when we got there all three of us sat on the sofa and had a movie marathon, with pizza and soda - we didnt touch our phones all day, and everyone understands why. around midnight we all went to bed, tomorrow is going to be stressful...

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