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a/n - okay! im sorry about loads of pictures being obj but I forgot which ones they are so im sorry - and also basically I cant be bothered to write more about their summer jobs and graduation - but ill sum grad up, basically it was boring as normal LMAO. so now its going to be like idk 3? years later? - what will happen in these three years is 1. Bethany and Corbyn have decided to have Dylan actually live with them now 2. they all still live together in the big house
ive gotten really confused by the ages so bare with what I put down.

ages -
Bethany - 22
Corbyn - 24
Daniel - 24
Jonah - 24
jack - 23
Zach - 22
gabbie - 22
Dylan - 3
lav - idk but im pretty sure she is like 4 or 5 in this

3 years later
December 11
Dylan's birthday - 4? (a/n im really confused)

Bethany's POV

"moma! dad! wake up!" I heard Dylan shout jumping on our bed
"hey birthday boy!" Corbyn said and sat up
"hey baby boy" I rubbed my eyes and looked at him
"moma, moma can I have pancakes for breakfast?"
"you know we dont make them, go ask uncle jo" I laughed
he jumped off the bed and ran to jonahs room, I heard him being dragged out of bed and down to the kitchen by a almost 4 year old, Corbyn and I laughed as we layed down again turning towards eachother, he slowly leaned in and kissed me softly - we started to make out passionately then we pulled away and smiled

"right, lets get this boy sorted huh?" he said and sat up
"yeah, but I need a shower first" I kissed his cheek and went to the bathroom and went for my shower.

"right, lets get this boy sorted huh?" he said and sat up"yeah, but I need a shower first" I kissed his cheek and went to the bathroom and went for my shower

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I changed into this ^ and then did some quick make up, corbyn was still sat on the bed in his pyjama pants

"corbyn, come on get changed" I said and ruffled his hair.
"but im tired" he whined
"corby, its your sons 4th birthday party in like two hours" I sighed fixing jeans
"hes 4 now?" he looked over at me and I laughed
"yeah, okay then, ill be down In a sec, I need a shower too" he smiled, I nodded and went downstairs to the kitchen where I found Dylan eating 'smiley pancakes' and Jonah cleaning up

"hey bear, hey dyl" I went to help Jonah finish clean up
"hey beth" Jonah replied, in no time we finished cleaning up then I hugged Dylan as I pulled him down from the seat

"moma can I open my presents now?" he asked
"not yet, you have to wait for dad and at least lavender to wake up" I ruffled his hair and brought him over to the living room to watch a bit of tv while we wait, as we did Corbyn joined us, then dani, then lavender with gabbie

"moma can I do now!" he whined and looked up at me
"yes, yes me and your dad with go them now" I laughed and grabbed corbyns hand and pulled him into the boys office

"this is gonna sound bad, what did we get him again?" Corbyn asked scratching the back of his neck
"oh geez, right so there's some marvel stuff, and you know how he always talks about woody and stuff? I got him one of them anddd some clothes!" I handed him a bag and then we walked out again, I handed Dylan the first bag and he opened it - this was the marvel bag, it was basically just more stuff for his new bedroom -

"this is gonna sound bad, what did we get him again?" Corbyn asked scratching the back of his neck"oh geez, right so there's some marvel stuff, and you know how he always talks about woody and stuff? I got him one of them anddd some clothes!" I ha...

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It isn't very special but since is favourite one is spiderman we mainly put him in there 😂 - anyway one thing was a rug, a spiderman costume and a little Web shooter.

"wow thank you!" he said, it was really cute 😂
"now open mine!" Daniel said,
"oh wow! A nin-ted-o!" Dylan shouted
"your welcome!" Daniel replied

After presents, and going to the party...

So basically what he got from the guys were a bunch of Nintendo games to go with his Nintendo switch, he was really happy about it and hes so cute when hes happy, anyway we are throwing him a play center party thing with a few friends of his - I mean he only has like three right now, not including lav who is coming.

"are you exited?" I asked buckling him In
"yeah! is brandon going to be there?"
"yes, and louis and Deon" I smiled and then got into the front with Corbyn
"who's brandon?" Corbyn whispered to me
"your sons best friend corby" I laughed, he groaned and I grabbed his hand, you see Corbyn doesn't know a whole lot about Dylan because they have been going on tour, and I do feel bad for him not knowing but he is the best dad though. like absolutely amazing - but anyway this will be the first proper party of Dylan's - im kinda scared.

 like absolutely amazing - but anyway this will be the first proper party of Dylan's - im kinda scared

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Liked by 2M
@beth02 - he had his first birthday party ever today... Think that tired him out 😂😂

@corbynbesson - he might be dead ngl🤐
   ➪︎@beth02 - very possible - he still isn't awake
@JonahMarais - ah he's just like his mom🥰
   ➪︎@beth02 - oh shut it!
@SeaveyDaniel - how is he blonde 😂
@fan38 - happy birthday Dylan 🥰
@gabbie_gonz - happy birthday pie 🥰🥰

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