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Week and a half later
October 30

Bethany's POV

in about an hour we are all going to a halloween party in the townhall - I say all gabbie isn't coming for an obvious reason - we were all at Zach's house since his is the closest to the hall - anyway the boys are really boring, their costumes weren't creative -

in about an hour we are all going to a halloween party in the townhall - I say all gabbie isn't coming for an obvious reason - we were all at Zach's house since his is the closest to the hall - anyway the boys are really boring, their costumes wer...

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I mean when they walked in I couldn't tell which was which but soon I found out

"okay dani-boy - bear" I said and he lifted the mask
"Dino jonah" he took the mask off too
"pumpkin corbyn" I said, he took the mask off and came to hug me
"oh geez I don't believe I have to kiss a pumpkin" I laughed and he kissed my cheek
"okay okay, pig - zach and hideous clown - jack" I said both of them lifted the mask and Jack looked at me in shock
"oh my god - the mask you idiot" I laughed and his expression changed as he started to laugh. we played around with the masks for a few minutes when i realised i still needed to get ready

"shit guys be right back" i said and ran off to my room, i got out a white blouse, black jeans and vans. then i did my makeup, i was going to be a clown so i did the pennywise thing from my mouth up past my eyes, for extra effect i drew a line across my neck and lined it with fake blood.

 then i did my makeup, i was going to be a clown so i did the pennywise thing from my mouth up past my eyes, for extra effect i drew a line across my neck and lined it with fake blood

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To be fair the blouse Im gonna be using is one of Daniel's smart shirts but he won't mind, well if it didn't have fake blood all over it.... anyway as I walked downstairs they all looked at me and they were kinda shocked

"what?" I said and sat on the steps
"you look amazing" Jonah said
"im a clown nothing to be amazed by" I laughed
"no seriously babe you look stunning" Corbyn said
"well at least one of us made an effort" Zach laughed
"yeah - you guys are boring" I said and stuck my tongue out -
then the all ran up to me "ATTACK!!!!!" they all shouted and tackled me as I tried to run away, we all ended up on the floor laughing with eachother

"uchy get off me " I said and tried to push them all off, but of course I couldn't
"you have to apologise first" jack said
"I-im s-sorry guys-s" I said whilst laughing then Jonah, Zach, Jack and Daniel got off of be but Corbyn picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.
"Corbyn I swear to god" I said and punched his back
"calm down baby - I just need to talk to you" he said and walked into the bathroom, he put me down next to the sinc and stood in-between my legs

"so what do you wanna talk about?" I asked
"I know you are going to drink tonight...." he started
"well duh" I laughed
he chuckled "so I want you to stay with me all night - and i'll stay with you of course" he said
"really? cant I just stay around with all of you - like you, Daniel, Zach, Jack and Jonah?" I asked and pouted
"me, Daniel and Jonah - there's no point with Zach and Jack they get just as drunk as you " he laughed
"okay - deal!" I said and stuck my hand out to shake his
"nuh huh" he grabbed my face and kissed me, I kissed back and we made out for a few minutes, but we were interrupted by a knock at the door

"yo lovebirds! stop sucking eachothers faces off we have a party to get to!" Daniel shouted at the door, I pushed Corbyn and jumped down to open the door, then I ran past Daniel and up to Jack and Zach

"are we gonna get proper drunk?" I asked them
they looked back and fourth at eachother "hell yeah!!" they then said and threw me in the air
"okay just because I am small doesn't mean you have to throw me in the air all the time!!" I tutted. they put me down and I ran back to Corbyn.

at the party....

when we got there it was already packed even tho it had just started, I walked in hand-in-hand and went straight onto the balcony part because it was quieter up there, there was a drinks table there too so it was perfect.

"vodka?" Zach said and held up a bottle
"YEAHHH" jack shouted and we all laughed at them, they offered me some but I said no, I think Im just gonna stick to the beer. We really didn't move from the same place for an hour or so, but Jack wanted to see all the costumes - they put their stupid masks on and we headed downstairs.

Corbyn immediately saw Jordan and Christina, he let go of my hand, said nothing and he headed over to them, I sighed and stopped in my tracks

"its okay, stay with me" Daniel said and grabbed my hand
"thanks dani-boy" I replied and smiled, then the rest of us walked a different way to the snack bar, then Jonah went to get us all bowls of chips as we sat by the big table.

"thanks" Zach said
"Jonah marais - where's the ketchup?!?" I asked and crossed my arms
"calm down - here" he said and passed me the bottle
"thanks jo-jo" I smiled at him, he smiled back and sat down across from me, I had Daniel on my left, Zach on my right and jack next to Jonah. we all ate our chips and when we were done Corbyn came back, he was behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"sorry, need to take this bowl" I said and got up, he made a weird face and watched me as I walked away, as I was putting it away I saw zack

"oh my god . ZACK" I said and ran up to him
"bethy!!" he replied and hugged me
"wow your costume is great!!" he said and held me at arms length
"thanks zack - you look great too!"
he laughed "so how are things?"
"what do you mean?"
"you and Corbyn stupid"
"oh right well we recently broke up - because he was with his ex - it was mainly my fault I wouldn't listen to him"
"bubs" he pulled me into a hug
"no its fine now anyway, you got a girlfriend yet?" I asked
"nope still a single pringle"
"awe Dempsey" i laughed
"oh shit - your with your friends, I wont keep you for any longer"
"no its - oh Justin hey" I said as Justin came back
"hey little marais" he said and patted my head
"uch I hate it when you do that!"
"I know - its why I do it"
"right, are you going to go back to your friends or stay here with us?" Zack asked
"oh right - well I might as-well stay with yous for a bit"
"oh why?"
"oh I dont know - just feel like it" I shrugged, we talked for a few minutes before I was poked in the back of the head

"ow, watch it - ah clay!!" I said and turned to hug him, he moved to stand next to zack
"how are things beth?" he asked
"good good. you still with sky?"
"yep - still going strong"
we laughed at him.

I didn't get to talk to them for long after because Daniel came to "collect" me - sometimes they treat me like a right child.

after the party...

I got really drunk - i mean its a party you dont expect me to not - the rest were all relatively sober, Corbyn carried me to the car and drove to my house, when we got there everyone went straight to bed - well Corbyn had to help me take my make up off, I wasn't happy that I was letting him do this after him just leaving me but at least I didn't have to do it myself....

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