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December 31

Bethany's POV

i woke up with a huge hangover and i heard the boys whispering to each other

"what fucking time is it?" i groaned
"nice to see you too baby" Corbyn said
"a-are you not hungover?"
"nope - im quite a heavy weight"
"uchhhh i feel like such crap" i said
"your not the only one" Daniel said, i sat up from the floor - which we all fell asleep on - and grabbed a blanket then layed on the sofa, Corbyn came and sat next to me, he handed me a cup of water and aspirin, i thanked him and once i took it i changed my positing to lay on Corbyn, he started to play with my hair as Zach turned the TV on - no one really chose anything so he put a random show on, and we all sat there with headaches - half an hour later gabbie and jack come back.

"oh yeh you guys are awake" jack said, we groaned at them
"hangovers " Corbyn said, him gabbie and jack laughed. we carried on watching the show when we heard jack say he'd go get McDonalds for gabbie - he was just gonna leave and not get any for us!!!!

"ehem..." i said and looked around at him
"yessss" he replied walking back towards us
"you were gonna go to McDonalds AND NOT GET US ANYTHING!!!"
"I - Ugh what do you guys want ?" and we all gave him our orders and he went off, we carried on watching for about an hour and a half until he got back

"finally!" me and gabbie shouted - i shot up and had immediate regret and held my hand up to my head, Corbyn stood up and picked me up then sat me on the kitchen counter - i grabbed my burger and fries and just stayed there to eat it - it was honestly amazing - but after we where done i started to feel really sick so i ran to the toilet and threw up

knock on door "babe you okay?"
"yeah" i said and opened the door
"sick cause of maccies orrr alcohol?"
"alcohol i guess" i replied
"you wanna go and lay in bed?" he asked me and i nodded so we headed upstairs and turned on the TV i wanted to watch birds of prey so he put it on and we cuddled to watch it....

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