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November 9

Corbyn's POV

"shit, yeah I'm going to go back - I'm sorry you are going to have to rehearse without me today" Daniel nodded and I walked out of the venue, I thought it was too important to walk so I ran back, when I got to the room I put my key card in and opened the door slowly because Daniel told me she's asleep and when I walked in she was, I took my shoes off and layed next to her, as if it was instinct her whole body moved and she landed on me and I immediately started to play with her hair, I moved one hand onto her bump and stroked it up and down.

One hour later

She flinched as she woke up

"c-corbyn?" she opened her eyes properly
"hey princess" I smiled and kissed the top of her head
She yawned "aren't you meant to be in rehearsal?" she sat up and leaned her head on my shoulder
"yeah" I sighed
"oh god, it's my fault your back isn't it?"
"well yeah"
She threw her head back hardly onto me
"hey! No stop, what's wrong with you?"
"the thing you love the most - singing and I took you away from rehearsing it!" she cried and grabbed the Teddy that zack gave her with her dad's voice in it. She pressed down on it and listened to it.

"I love you, my little princess.. Forever"

She started to talk to the bear

"dad.. I miss you so much, I hate being without you - I hope you and moma are happy now you two are back together" she sniffed so much she stopped breathing for a few seconds. I freaked out a bit and passed her a bottle of water, she wouldn't take it at first but eventually she did - mainly because I was getting mad.

another hour later.....

"baby im going to the shower quickly" she said
"okay princess, if you need my help let me know" I lightly smiled at her, she went off to the bathroom, I grabbed my laptop for my bag and put on some youtube on, turns out she didn't need my help an she came out of the bathroom fully dressed, which is weird she normally walks out in her towel and gets changed in the bedroom, where ever we are.

"why are you already dressed?" I asked
she jumped a little "n-no reason" and she grabbed her sleeves pulling them down, I was really confused so I got up and walked up to her
"whats wrong with you?" I asked
"n-nothing" she got all shy with me, she only does that when she's done something bad
"Bethany.." I said
"I h-havent done anything"
she turned around and started to walk off, I wanted to know what was wrong with her so I grabbed one of her arms and she winced in pain, I lifted an eyebrow as she pulled her arm away
"show me your arms" I said softly
"..no" she said in a whisper
"show me your arms" I said again but this time more firmly
"no" she said again
"show me your fucking arms Bethany" at this point I was ready to just grab her and roll her sleeves up
"I-I said no c-Corbyn"
I went to grab her arm again and when I got hold of her I held her hand with one of my hands and rolled her sleeve up with one - her arm was covered in fresh cuts and I ran my hand over them and she tensed as I did, my eyes got all watery

"w-why?" I asked
she shrugged and wouldn't look at me
"answer m-me"
"I-I dont know" she finally looked up at me
"princess... I-" I went to sit down on the bed and held my head in my hands, I just didn't understand why. she didn't say why or anything but then she walked around the other side of the bed and stared at my back
"I-I decided something.." she tried to changed the subject
"what?" I slowly turned so I was now layed on the bed
"I think in going to l-let your mom look after the baby for a w-while"
I grabbed her and kissed her head "only if your sure", she nodded and grabbed my laptop to put a movie on.

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