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February 11

Bethany's POV

"im gonna go take a shower babe" I said and got out of the pool
"okay" he smirked as I walked away, when I got to the bathroom I got straight into the shower, a couple minutes later I heard the door open

"Corbyn?" I asked but there was no response, I realised it was probably the other bathroom door open, but I felt cold hands grab my waist, I jumped
"hey sexy.."
"Corbyn besson!!" I turned around
"im sorry, it was too tempting" he laughed, I kissed him and he kissed back, as we were making out he trailed his hands down my back and grabbed me ass

"mm... Corbyn, not now" I said
he whined "why princess..?" he frowned
"because I just need a shower" I laughed
"just quickly... please I need your help!"
I laughed "mmm... okay..." the second I stopped talking he smashed his lips onto me...


"okay... I helped you, now you need to help me" I said handing him a bottle of shampoo
"anything for you princess" he smiled at me and turned me around, he started to massage the shampoo in and huffed

"your hair is so longggg, and you have so much of it" he said
I laughed "yeah I know"
"how can you do this every time?" he asked
"I dont know, I just can I guess" I shrugged, he chuckled and then got to wash the shampoo out, I then gave him the conditioner
"only at the middle - to bottom of my hair okay, not the scalp" I said
"yeah I know that, im not stupid" he spread it in then washed that out too. then once that was done he opened the curtains and the two of us got out, I followed behind him and both of us dried off and got dressed.

"BETHY! JONAH!" Daniel shouted, we both got out of our rooms and ran downstairs then went over to him
"what do you want?" I asked
"there's a letter here, from your uncle" he said and handed it to us, we went over to the island, Corbyn and Daniel went and  sat on the sofas

"what could it be?" I asked
"I dont know" Jonah replied and stood right close to me, I opened it and threw the envelope on the counter

"Jonah and Bethany,
heya guys, im sorry I dont have your numbers or emails, so I had to go old school. this isn't a very cheerful letter, actually its quite terrible news - your mother got admitted into hospital today - this happened Wednesday, sorry its late getting there but I dont control the mail. anyway im not sure how she's holding up, they wont let me in because im your dads brother - I bet she'd love to see you

love uncle John x"

I handed the letter to Jonah, and teared up, Corbyn could tell so he came from the sofa and hugged me - I cried into his chest and Jonah gulped as he put it down, I got out of his grip and ran to the room to cry, I cried for what felt like hours, I heard a knock at the door

"g-go a-away!" I shouted and curled up
the door opened then closed "baby..." Corbyn stood at the door, I shot up at his voice
he opened his arms wide and I ran off the bed and into his arms, I had cried into his chest so much his t-shirt was soaking wet, I looked up at him and he was now crying
"h-hey, why are-e you c-crying?" I asked wiping his tears
"I dont like seeing you upset" he replied, he kissed my head, I pulled away from his body and started to take his t-shirt off
"baby, really now?" he said
I sighed "n-no your s-soaking"
he slightly smiled "well then, thanks babe"
I kissed his cheek and he picked me up and set me back on the bed and we cuddled he kept his grip tight the whole time as I continued to cry.

we layed there for about an hour but then there was a knock on the door
"come in" Corbyn said
"h-hey, c-can I talk-k to b-beth p-please" Jonah asked, his eyes puffy and face tear stained
"yeah" Corbyn smiled and lifted me to loosen his grip, I walked up to Jonah and we went to his room, the second he closed the door he grabbed me into a hug

"awe j-jo" I said and hugged him back, he pulled away from the hug and looked at me
"l-listen I thought w-we could book a f-flight to go see-e her?" he said and twiddled his thumbs
"sounds good" I lightly smiled
"y-you want me t-to book for c-Corbyn to come too?" he asked
"yeah please" I hugged him and went back to my room, Corbyn shot his head up and I smiled, he walked up to me

"what did jo what?" he asked and grabbed my hands
"hes-s going t-to book a f-flight to Florida, you will c-come right?" I replied
"of course I will" he kissed me softly
"im gonna go for another shower - I feel all weird" I said, he nodded - when I got in I only had to stand for a few minutes then my legs started to hurt like hell
"what the f-fuck?" I said to myself and I sat down, somehow the pain went away when I did, I tried to wash up sat down but I couldn't

"c-Corbyn!!" I shouted, I heard footsteps coming towards the bathroom door
"yeah princess?" he said opening the door then closing it being him
"I-I cant wash up" I said
he opened the curtain and looked at me "s-so you need m-my help babe?" he blushed
I nodded embarrassedly "yeah..."
"you dont need to be embarrassed" he said as he took his t-shirt off, leaving his shorts on, then he sat on the edge of the tub and cleaned me up.

"I-im sorry about this" I said
he looked at me "no, no princess its okay" he kissed me
"okay, im done!" he smiled
"up?" I asked
he laughed as I held my arms up giggling, he carefully picked me up, placed me on the sink top and dried me off, put a pair of shorts and on of his t-shirts on me then put me on his lap in the bed
"I love you Corbyn" I put my head on his and closed my eyes
"I love you too Bethany..." we slowly made out, after a few minutes we pulled away slowly like it was our first kiss

"I wanna live with you ... forever" he smiled at me
"i wanna live with you forever too" i smiled back.....

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