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June 23
Bethany's birthday 🎉

Corbyn's POV

its Bethany's birthday and I didnt even know her birthday was today, she never told me - but I never asked so - anyway I got her clothes, a long board and a necklace , I didnt know what else to get her, we werent having a party but we were going bowling again, we all enjoyed It at Zach's birthday - so the plans are that we were all going to skate to the bowling place but I left my car there - just in-case - we will bowl in teams then skate/drive to mcdonalds - im sure Jonah is bringing his car too. anyway we aren't going till 4pm so I decided to spend the morning with her, but of course im letting her be home with Jonah and her mom for a bit, today was the only day her mom could get off.


I just got to her house and knocked on her door

"oh hello Corbyn, come in" her mom said and I thanked her
"Corbyn!" Bethany shouted and ran up to me
"heya, happy birthday" I said and handed her the presents, the opened them and looked really happy
"awe thanks baby" she said
"no problem"
"schat wat ga je vandaag doen?" her mom asked
"uhh I dont know why? - its a surprise, but we aren't leaving till 4 right?" she replied
"yeah" Jonah said
"we kunnen gaan lunchen. Corbyn en al"
"that sounds good, Corbyn?"
"yeah I can do that"
"you can speak dutch?" her mom turned to ask me
"yes ma'am" I replied
"im not good at English so this great!" her mom laughed and we all laughed with her, then we all got in daniels - I mean Bethany's car to go to a little restaurant by the sea, it was like sandwiches and stuff so it wasn't smart.

honey what are you going to do today?" her mom asked
"uhh I dont know why? - its a surprise, but we're not leaving till 4 right?" she replied
"yeah" Jonah said
"We can go to lunch. Corbyn and all

"what would you like Corbyn?" her mom asked
"um a ham sandwich and a salad I think" I replied
she nodded "you?" she then asked Bethany
"cheese panini"
"saai - Jonah?" her mom said, we laughed
"bagel " we all went for a really boring thing and as we were waiting I got to know more about Bethany's family, her mom's name is Julia - I find that a nice name.

after we were done with our food we ordered a bunch of chocolate cake - for her birthday

"moma?" she said
"yes darling?"
"is papa's grafsteen klaar?" she asked
"honen niet nu - en ik weet het niet eens" her mom replied and hugged her

Is Dad's tombstone ready?" she asked
"honey not now - and I don't even know" her mom replied and hugged her

"hey its okay, it wont be long now im sure" I said and grabbed her hand, she smiled at me and then the cake arrived - it tasted really good. anyway when we got back to their house it was 3.00pm so we just went to her room to watch 2 episodes of our favorite show - then the boys got here and we all skated to the bowling alley. she was really happy when we got there and we decided to do the same teams but this time Daniel brought anna so we had equal teams

Zach and Bethany
Daniel and Me who ever wins
V = who ever looses runs into sea fully clothed
Jack and Jonah who ever wins
Gabbie and Anna

we had a better idea of it this time.

after the first round

Bethany and Zach won
I got more than Daniel
Bethany got more than Zach

Gabbie and Anna won
anna got more than gabbie
jack got more than Jonah

me and Bethany
Jack and Anna

after that

this round was really intense since we knew what would happen If we lost - but thankfully Anna and Jack lost, so they had to run into the sea in their clothes.

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