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another 2 weeks later
November 8

Bethany's POV

today we fly out to Hawaii, unfortunately the flight was going to be 5 and a half hours - at-least I dont have to go on a 11 and a half hours flight from Miami, like zack, his flight was at 5 am so we could all get there at the same-ish time.

I was stressed enough about going on this flight without Corbyn panicking about my belly

"princess, are you okay? how are you feeling?" he has asked this question 7 times in the last two hours
"I. am. fine. please. stop. asking" I said and shook my head
"i'm sorry" he hugged me and smiled, then everyone got downstairs with their bags to head off to the airport, to be fair everyone was stressing me out, Daniel and Corbyn made sure they stuck next to me so no one would bump into me, when ever id speed up they'd grab my arms and pull me back inbetween them.

"guys! quit it okay" I got fed up with them by the time we were boarding, they just looked at eachother and nodded slowly, when we got on the plane it was 4 seats together, like two facing another too, so one of them had gabbie, jack, lav and Zach and then the other had Daniel, Jonah, Corbyn and me. there was a little round table in the middle that could be folded away, we decided for the first like 3 and a half hours we would play monopoly - for some reason Jonah brought that instead of uno - none the less it was really fun whilst it lasted. but once Corbyn won we all tossed in and went to sleep.

2 hours later

we had just got everything from baggage we had to go wait for zack by his gate since it still hadn't landed, but soon enough it landed and zack looked really rough

"hey z" I said and walked up to him
he burped "hey"
"uch z you've been drinking again havent you?"
"maybe - but it was a long flight, I needed" he burped again "something to knock me out"
"jesus crist, they should of sent you on that program not Justin" I held him up as we walked to go get his bags, but surely enough Jonah came running up to me and held him for me so I dont 'strain' myself. we managed to get hold of a ober big enough to hold all of us in it so we could get to where the boys tour bus was, we werent staying in it but the hotel we are staying at is a little further so it would be more relaxing on the bus.

"what the fu-" zack started
"zack - babies present" I poked him and he clenched him stomach as I did
"owie!" he shouted at me and turned to face away
"sorry z" I laughed, we all got out and Jonah helped zack again, he immediately lead him upstairs and onto a sofa so he could sleep and hopefully sober up - zack normally doesn't stay drunk for very long so I was hoping he'll be fine, I went and sat on the sofa opposite him and just played on my phone, im pretty sure the rest of the boys were at the downstairs part.

but soon enough Corbyn found me
"there you are" he said and hugged me as he sat down
"here I am" I chuckled
"he'll be fine you know" he said and pointed and zack
"what makes you think that im worried?"
"the fact that I know your hungry but you dont wanna leave him alone incase he wakes up and does something"
"how did you know?"
"we've been dating for almost two years now - I think I know quite a lot about you" he smiled
"wow only two years?"
"yes - feels way longer huh?"
"yeah it does" I smiled at him and leaned in for a kiss
"you know what I cant wait for?" he said pulling away
"when I get to pull you on my lap and do what ever I want to you" he smirked
"oh really.." I kissed his cheek
"yeah..." he slipped his arm behind my back and squeezed my ass.
"you know we wont get to do it as often when we have this kid right?"
"why not?"
"maybe because we will have to take care of it" I laughed
"oh for fuck sakes" he groaned and layed down with his head on my lap "I dont regret it... but I kinda do" he chuckled a bit
"me too..." I said and looked off through the window
"yeah, I mean having a kid is cool and all but I just wanna spend more time, alone with you, but now... we kind of cant"
"you know my mom has offered to take the baby if we aren't ready, like look after it for a few years"
"w-wait really?"
"mmhmm, you know its something to think about" he leaned up and kissed me, then I just sat there and thought about it, is it the best thing to do? have my boyfriends mom look after my child because im not ready? I mean, clearly im not ready but I dont want to only see me child every few months either - I mean what were we thinking, we could hardly look after Barnaby let alone an actual human - jack and gabbie are really good at it but me and Corbyn are too immature .

I was thinking about it for so long we had actually already gotten to the hotel, it was a beautiful 5-star-hotel called 'halekulani hotel, we all had the same rooms on the same row - some rooms joining others - so I wanted zack to look after zack you know make sure he doesn't get shit faced or anything so I made sure he stayed in the twin room joining Corbyn and i's room -Jonah decided to share with him.

I was thinking about it for so long we had actually already gotten to the hotel, it was a beautiful 5-star-hotel called 'halekulani hotel, we all had the same rooms on the same row - some rooms joining others - so I wanted zack to look after zack ...

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The main rooms

The main rooms

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Double rooms

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