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Eric Pov-
I was just staring at and smiling the whole time and suddenly someone smacked my head... "You're gonna eat ???" Noona said. "Ouch Noona ...why did you hit me !!" I said rubbing my head. "Because you were busy staring at someone..." Noona said looking at Y/N . I didn't say anything I just looked down and started eating. "Look you're still smiling ..." Noona said pointing at me "I'm telling you Y/N he's head over heals for you!!"Noona pokes Y/N ,this made both of us blush. The rest of the time we talked about a lot of stuff and went to sleep .

Time skip to next day~
I felt someone tapping on my cheeks,I opened my eyes and saw Yunji with a big smile. I immediately got up and picked her up in my arms... "Hiii babyyy I missed you so did you know uncle was here?" . "I woke up... I came get my toy and saw you" she babbled . I giggled at how cute she looked when she talked. "Who is this ?" She asked me pointing at Kevin Hyung who was still sleeping. "He's Kevin uncle ...we'll meet him when he wakes up ...let's go out" I took her out to the living room . "Uncle let's play" she took out a bag full of toys from behind the couch.

Y/N pov-
I was sleeping and suddenly heard Unni calling out Yunji's name . I got up and asked  "what happened Unni ??" . "Yunji is not here" she panicked. "She must have gone out of the room ...don't worry ..come ,we'll go check!" I got out of bed . We both got out of the room and went towards the living room . We saw Eric and Yunji playing together. Unni was finally relaxed. We quietly stood there and watched them play . Yunji's eye landed on us . And she looked at me suspiciously and went close to Eric and whispered something in his ear. And Eric whispered back into her ear and looked at me . I wondered what are they were talking about.

Eric Pov-
Me and Yunji were busy playing when we saw Noona and Y/N standing there and watching us. Suddenly Yunji came closer to me .. "Uncle who is that ...with mom ?" She whispered. I smiled and replied her "she is Y/N Imo ...your uncle is going to marry her ....don't tell this's a secret!!!" . She nodded. They both came towards us . "Hi Yunji.... I'm Y/N Imo" Y/N said opening her arms . Yunji went and hugged her "Yes and uncle Eric is going to marry you ... it is a secret!!!"she said . Y/N looked at me blushing. I facepalmed myself. "Hmm I see you've already planned you're wedding haaan!!" Noona teased me. "Who's marrying whom ?" Kevin Hyung came out of the room rubbing his eyes. "'ll get to know that soon" Noona told Kevin Hyung and looked at me. "Come Yunji ...let's go brush our teeth.." Noona took Yunji with her. "I'm coming too !!" Y/N went with them .

Y/N pov-
I was sitting on the bed drying my hair. Unni came out of the washroom with Yunji Wrapped up in towel. I giggled looking at her . "Ahm Y/N can you dress her up ? Till then I'll prepare breakfast" . "Sure why not .... come here cutieee" I indicated Yunji to come . I was drying her and she kept staring at me . "Imo.....can I tell you something?" She asked me . "Yes tell ..." I said. "You are pretty !!" She giggled. "Aww thank you ... and you are prettier than me !" I pinched her cheeks. I was busy combing her hair and Eric came into the room "what are my pretty girls doing ?" He sat beside us . "Omg .....Yunji is looking so cute wonder Y/N imo got you ready ..." he kissed her cheek . "Kiss Imo too ....." Yunji said pointing at my cheek. We both laughed hearing her. Without any hesitation he kissed my cheek and that made yunji giggle .
"Guys what are you planning to do today .." Unni asked us . "I was just planning to go around the city for today ..." Eric said . "Great then ...let's go...I'll show you beautiful places .." Unni said . "Buy me ice cream !!" Yunji shouted in excitement. "Me toooo" and and Eric screamed too. "Noona I'm telling you we have three kids to take care of" Kevin said to Unni. "I know right's okay we'll handle these kids" Unni laughed .
We visited a lot historical places the whole day . At last we were at a park near Unni's house as Yunji wanted to play. "Guys ...better I'll go home and prepare for dinner ..till then you all play with her . Kevin now I leave these three kids to you .." Unni told Kevin .Kevin just laughed and gave her a thumbs up. Eric asked me to sit on the swing and and make Yunji sit on my lap . We both were swinging and Eric started clicking our pictures. "Guys I'll be right back...I need to attend this call ..I'm just outside the gate."Kevin said . "Okayyy" Eric said . Me and Eric we're sitting on a bench and Yunji was playing on the slid with a few kids . A grandma came towards us and sat beside me. "Are you both that little girl's parents ? If yes then aren't you too young ?" She asked us . "Oh No no grandma we're not her parents...we're her uncle aunt..!!" I told her . "Oh I'm sorry... so you both are dating?" She asked . "Yes we are" Eric replied shyly. "Then I'm pretty sure you both will be great parents in future...bless you both" She stroked my hair. "Thank you Grandma ."We both said together. Yunji came running towards us "Imo...I want to go home!!" . "Okay okay let's go .... It was nice meeting you Grandma ..we'll leave now" Eric told her .

Eric Pov-
After having dinner I was in the living room playing video games with Kevin Hyung . "Noona ...where is Y/N and Yunji" I asked her . "Oh Yunji asked Y/N to tell her a story they both are in my room . And I must say Yunji adores her.." Noona winked at me . "Anyone who meets Y/N falls in love with her..."I said . "That's true .... you got the right girl Youngjaeeyyaaa ....and remember ,I'll kill you if you ever make her sad!" Noona pinched my cheeks harshly. "Ou ou Noona it hurts ...leave ..."I begged. She let me go and I immediately stood up "I'll go see what they are doing...and yes I will never ever make her sad." I sticked out my tongue and went towards the room. I opened the door and saw both the girls sleeping. Y/N had her hand wrapped around Yunji , they both looked so cute . I adore these two girls. Seeing both of them I thought of my future when we'll have kids . I shook off my thoughts and immediately clicked a picture of this adorable sight .

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