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Hyunjae Pov-
All the guys were in the practice room now , trying to figure out what to do next. While there was silence in the room , someone came in , it was Manager noona "Ahm guys you all are going to Japan today , so go pack your bags and come back fast". We were in shock because as per our schedule we were not aware of going to Japan or any reality show . "Wait Noona ... what show ? Why were we not informed about this earlier?" Sangyeon Hyung Asked . "Even I was not aware of it until now .... CEO just called me and asked me to inform you guys. And ...." She stopped . "And what?" I asked . "He wants you guys to cut all the contacts with that girl . Also you guys will be shifted to another dorm ." She said . "What?" We all exclaimed . Eric started crying like a baby as soon as he heard her. "Oh god Eric for god's sake can you please stop crying....!" Sunwoo shouted . "Wait what you mean to say is , while we'll be gone to Japan , our dorm will be shifted...and when we come back we'll be in another dorm ?"Jacob asked Noona. "Yes right" she replied . "But why??? Why can't we just continue living there ... and why is he asking us to stay away from her? She didn't do anything!"Kevin Spoke. "I'm sorry guys but I personally didn't make any decision... he just doesn't want you guys to be a part of any rumour specially when you guys have just started your career" She said . "I need to inform this to Rushi" I thought to myself. 

Rushi Pov-
An hour passed but there was not a single message or call from hyunjae . Y/N didn't spoke a word all this time , she just kept crying even though I was trying to calm her down . I kept looking at my phone every second in a hope that they'll call . Y/N suddenly got up wiping her tears . "what happend ? Do you need anything?" I asked her. She got her laptop and sat beside me " I'm going back to New York !I need some time for myself" . "WHAT ? Why ?? don't jump into decisions so quickly wait for some time let Eric explain you everything." I said stopping her . She looked at me and said "If he really was willing to explain me , he would've already done it until now . He didn't.... which means he doesn't care and whatever he said was truth." . She wasn't wrong either, but I wanted them to sort things out . I didn't stop her , she started checking the flights for New York . In some time I got a call from Hyunjae . I immediately picked up the call and went to the living room because I didn't want Y/N to hear anything for now . "Hyunjae what the hell is going on ?" I asked . "listen Rushi . Calm down I'll explain everything . But first tell me is Y/N alright?"he asked . "Do you think she is ? She's planning to go back to New York today itself....she's hurt Hyunjae" I said . "What ?? Seriously?" He asked . "Yes ...she's already booking the ticket, she said she waited enough for Eric to explain everything but she can't wait anymore." I said . "Wait let me explain you everything...............
And We're going to Japan in the evening for a few days ... also we'll be shifted to new dorm" He finished . "What ? Shifting? Seriously???"I exclaimed. "Yes !!! And we can't help it ...we can't even go against our CEO because we're still Rookies . Please explain all this to Y/N ... I know she must be angry right now." He said . "But Hyunjae,  what about us ?" I said worriedly. "Listen, nothing's gonna happen to our relationship... it's just We'll have to be really Careful and....." The call got cut . I wondered why did he cut the call suddenly. I received a text from Hyunjae -"My CEO suddenly came in so I had to cut the call !! I'm sorry .. I'll talk to you later ..I'll keep you updated! Take care of yourself and Y/N . I love you!" . I kept my phone aside after replying him and went to Y/N to explain everything what Hyunjae told me .

Y/N Pov -
I saw Rushi go out of the room to get someone's call . I'm pretty sure it is one of the boys . I booked my ticket until she came back . In some time she came in with a serious look on her face . "What's wrong?" I asked . She held my hand and sat beside me . She explained me everything about why Eric did that. "Hyunjae said Eric is a crying mess right now... he doesn't have guts to show up in front of you. That's why he didn't call you till now" she finished. "He's an Idiot" tears started rolling down my eyes . "Y/N shuhhh Don't cry... just wait for some days , let everything Calm down .. he'll call you" she said patting my back . "No I can't let myself trouble him more ... it's about his career , I can't ruin it ... I should just go away from his life and pretend I never met him , anyway my tickets are booked ..." I told her wiping my tears . "But don't you love him ? Will you be okay there without him ?" She asked . "I do love him a lot ...and that's why I'm going far away from him that I don't come between him and his career ..." I smiled and went to my room to pack my stuff.

To be Continued........

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