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Y/N pov-
It's been three days here already. I'm dying to go on trekking. I saw Eric playing with Yunji ,I went towards him and asked "Eric ..... When are we going on trek?". "Ahm let's go talk to Noona and plan it"he said getting up . "Noona ....What's the plan for trekking? When are we going?" Eric asked her . "Ahm actually....Your Hyung was supposed to be coming today but he just called me and said he'll take more 4 days to come back he said we all can go without him"She said . "Oh ohkay ...then when shall we go ?" Eric asked. "Let's go tomorrow morning... and we'll do camping there for a night ...There's a beautiful lake up there ..."Unni said . "Okayy then ...let's go tomorrow...I'm excited!" I exclaimed. "But Noona Do we have Tents?"Kevin asked her . "No ..There are a few stores up there who give tents on rent ... but we'll have to set up the tents." She said . "It's okay we'll do it !" Kevin said.
Time skip to next day~
We all were getting ready to go and Unni came to me with a huge warm jacket in her hand "here take this'll need this up there ." She handed it to me . "Thanks Unni ." I said with a smile. "Let's go now ...or else we won't be able to reach there by evening." She said picking up her bag .
We reached the spot, from where we had to start walking. "Eric And Kevin be ready to carry Yunji while walking..."Unni said . "It's okay she's tiny ,we'll manage!"Kevin said. "I'm not tiny" Yunji said scrunching her nose. We all giggled at her cuteness. "Okay okay you're not ! You're a big girl . Let's go now"Unni held her hand and started walking. "Let's go!"we all screamed.
It has been almost two hours now and Yunji was already on Kevin's shoulders. I got a little tired so I thought we should take a break "guys ...can we take a little break ...I'm tired!" . "Ah yes I'm tired too, let's go sit there for a while." Unni said pointing at place where we could sit. "Hmm take this" Eric handed me a water bottle as soon as we sat. " brother has changed.. I used to be the first one to get water from him every time."Unni said. I immediately gave her the bottle when I heard her "I'm sorry Unni ...take this" . "Aigoooo're silly just like him . I was just teasing both of you .Infact I'm impressed that my baby brother is good at taking care of you" She smiles. We rested for a few minutes and started walking again. After talking a few more break in between we finally reached the lake Unni talked about . It was such a beautiful sight ,pretty lake ,mountains. It felt like dream to me . "Okay now who's going to get the tents?"Eric asked , gulping down the water. "Not me ...I'm too tired ." Kevin said . "Let's go ,I'll come with you ,as Yunji is sleeping ,Unni needs to stay with her." I said getting up . "Okay then let's go" Eric got up and held my hand. There was a long queue in front of us ,we had no other option but to wait . I was standing in front of Eric and he back hugged me "I'm tired" . I put my hand on his cheek "So am I ...But it was worth it.." . "Hmm that's true ..."Eric said.

Eric Pov-
I back hugged Y/N and kept my chin on her shoulder "I'm tired". "So am I ..but it was worth it"she said putting her hand on my cheek. "Hmm that's true" I said . My eyes landed on two guys sitting on a bench across from us. They were staring at Y/N and whispering something into each other's ear. I wanted to beat their asses up for staring at my girl. "Y/N go back to Kevin Hyung and Noona ..I'll bring the tents."I said turning her towards me. "Why suddenly you're asking me to go's alright..I'll stand ,it'll not take much time"She said . I was listening to her but was also looking at those two jerks. "What are you looking at ?" She asked turning her head towards the same direction. "Ahm.. Those two Shitheads right there are constantly staring at you ...that's why I asked you to go back to them . I can't stand someone staring at you like that" I said . "Oh so this is the reason" She said and gave me a peck on my lips . My eyes widened at her sudden action. "Now they know that I already got a Men..."She winked . "Whoa...can I get that again please?" I said pulling out my lips . "Later!" She smirked and turned around. "She's such a tease" I thought to myself.
We finally got the tents and went back to the place where Noona and Kevin Hyung we're sitting. "We're back ..." I said throwing the tents on the ground. "So where are we setting these up ?"Kevin Hyung asked . "Let's do it there" I said pointing at an empty space nearby a huge tree. They agreed and we got the tents there. We were done setting up the tents and it was already dark . "Mom I'm hungry" Yunji told Noona. "Just a few minutes baby Uncle is setting up the fire."She replied her . "Yunji come here ...we'll eat this chocolate till then" Y/N said getting out a box of chocolate from her bag and asked Yunji to sit beside her.

We were now listening to Kevin playing his guitar ,after having dinner . "Y/N why don't you sing something " Kevin Hyung said . "Ahm okay then ..."she said . "But can I play the guitar if you don't mind ?" She asked Kevin Hyung . "Of course I don't mind ..Come here it'll be easy to play"Kevin Hyung said getting up . She sat exact opposite to me . She looked so Adorable while singing, her voice can melt your heart . The whole time she looked at me while singing.I knew that song was meant for me . As she finished the song she looked at me smiling. I smiled back and whispered I love you.
"Okay guys let's go sleep now ...everyone must be tired."Noona said . Y/N ,Noona and Yunji were in one tent while Kevin Hyung and me in other one . Kevin Hyung was already asleep in just few minutes. I couldn't sleep so I thought I'll sit outside beside the lake for some time . I got out of my tent and saw Y/N sitting on a bench. I quietly went towards her and sat beside her "Even you're not sleepy yet". She got scared . "Idiot you scared me" she said hitting me. I swooped closer to her and wrapped my arms around her "I'm sorry" I said placing a kiss on her cheeks. She smiled and wrapped her hands around my waist and placed her head on my chest "it's okay" . We both were silent for a few minutes. "Y/N ..."I said stroking her hair gently. "Hmm ...what ?"She asked . "You're the best thing ever happened to me..I'm so glad that you came in my life"I kissed her forehead. She looked at me "why are you being cheesy all of a sudden". "Yah I'm serious" I said . "Haha I know I know ...I'm just kidding. And the same goes for you. I couldn't be more grateful to have you in my life .I love you so so so much" she said kissing my cheek.

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