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Rushi pov-
I met all the others guys one by one and now the only people left to come were Y/N ,Eric and Kevin. We all had already planned about how I'll surprise her. I was standing in the balcony admiring the view . Suddenly Hyunjae came and stood beside me "Beautiful isn't it?". "Yes...It is so pretty!! I've always seen such views in Dramas . I always wanted to visit Jeju once and finally I'm here!" I said . Hyunjae just looked at me and smiled. He had really adorable smile.
Hyunjae pov-
Me and Rushi were talking about some stuff and suddenly She got all excited "look look ...the sunset Oh my god ...this is so pretty!" She said pouting towards the ocean. But I didn't look there I just admired her,how cute she is "beautiful" I said looking at her. She turned her face towards me and immediately looked away.. "the sunset I mean !!ahm" . She giggled. "Let's go inside it's almost the time the three of them arrive." I said . "Yeah okay ..let's go" she said .
Eric Pov-
Our flight finally landed. "She doesn't have any clue how big surprise she's gonna get in some time" I thought to myself looking at her . "Yah ...did you tell them that we arrived?"Kevin Hyung whispered in my ear. "Yes I just sent a text to Hyunjae Hyung." I told him. We got a taxi and went straight to the address Haknyeon Hyung told us. "Wow ......Finally I'm in Jeju ....I always wanted to come her" Y/N said looking out of the window. "This is my first time here too ....and I'm so glad I came here with you"I said holding her hand.
We were finally at Haknyeon hyung's house. It looked huge. We entered and all the guys came and greeted us. We sat on the couch for a while and then Hyunjae Hyung indicated me to take Y/N to the balcony . I nodded and said "Y/N let's go see the view from the balcony" I stood up and dragged her with me .

Y/N pov-
Eric suddenly stood up and dragged me with him to the balcony. I looked at the view it was so beautiful ,although it was night The moonlight shining on the sea seemed so pretty. My eyes suddenly fell on a girl. Just standing there and looking towards us. I looked carefully and my eyes widened. "What the hell is Rushi doing here!!!" I asked Eric pointing towards her . "Who ? Rushi ? How would she be here ...are you drunk or what ?" He scoffed. "No Seriously...I'm not kidding she's right there is her I'm damn sure!" I started walking out of the balcony . "Wait let me go and see . I'm telling you it's her" I went out of the house and went towards the sea shore where I saw her standing. But no one was there . Eric came running behind me "I told you no one is there!!" He said . "But how is that possible...I just saw her ." I said . At that moment I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Rushi . I gasped looking at her . I was confused , emotional and happy at the same time looking at her . I immediately hugged her . "Bitch  what the fuck is this !!!!"I said . "Surprise" She screamed . "I missed You so so so much" I was still hugging her . "Yah you never hugged me for long time like this before!" Eric said folding his arms and pouting. Here he goes again. Jealous baby. We both looked at him and giggled. "Because I'm her first love're the second" Rushi told Eric sticking out her tongue . "Okay okay whatever!! Now that you both met...let's go up the boys are waiting!" Eric said looking at the balcony. We saw that all the boys were in balcony with huge smiles on their face . "Were you all involved in this thing" I asked . "Yes baby!!" Rushi said .
We got back to the house and saw the guys waiting for us . "How was the surprise Y/N" Hyunjae asked me. "Best surprise ever ,I swear!!" I smiled and looked at Rushi. "I was supposed to be coming to Seoul today but then hyunjae told me about all this so I changed the plan and came directly to Jeju."she said . "Ohhh...So you told Hyunjae first that you're coming and not to me !!!hmm I see !!" I teased her . "Yah shut up..."she hit me. After that we all talked a little bit and had dinner .
We all were now sitting in the living room watching a movie . "Guys ...where are we sleeping by the way ?" Sangyeon asked. "See there are 5 rooms in total . We all will have to share ." Haknyeon said . "Okay then Let's play some game to decide the roommates"Sunwoo suggests. "Yeah that sounds good"Hyunjae said. "Okay then ...Let's play Rock Paper Scissor first and the winner decides who's gonna sleep with whom!"Chanhee said . "Yah that sounds weird just say will choose the roommates" Jacob said hitting Chanhee. We all played Rock Paper Scissor for hundreds of time and ultimate winner was Sunwoo. We could already see him smirking . "Okay so we have girls here let both of them take one room." He said . All the guys started disagreeing. "Wait wait wait !!! Y/N with whom do you want to share your room with ? Eric or Rushi .."He asked me . I got confused. "OH Come on ...I'm her best friend obviously she'll choose me!"Rushi said . "Yah ..I'm her boyfriend...She'll choose me !!"Eric spoke  up . I looked at both of them and laughed . "Ahm how about both?" I said . "Then ...One more person need to be added to your room because now you'll be using the bigger room... whom shall I choose!" Sunwoo said looking at the rest of the guys. "Okay I choose Hyunjae Hyung"He says . Me ,Rushi ,Hyunjae and Eric look at him surprisingly. I started poking Rushi to tease her. I could see her face become red . I know she likes him . After that all the others guys got their respective rooms and went in. We four were in our room with no beds just the empty room with a huge cupboard. "Guys do we sleep on floor?" Eric asked. "Why ? You don't want to ? Okay then bye go sleep in another room" I teased him. "No no no I have absolutely no problem sleeping on the floor" he back hugged me . "You guys are so cute !" Rushi said . "Hehe I know right" Eric giggled. "Cute but Dumb ...Imma call you guys the Dumb Duo!. Right Jaehyun" she said looking at Hyunjae. "Hm .ah yes that's true ...They are idiots but cute !!" He said . "Jaehyun? Yah Hyung you never let us call you Jaehyun" Eric said. "I never said that you cannot call me Jaehyun...You can ofcourse ..haha ..I'll be back by the way" He spoke nervously and left the room . And Eric went behind him asking questions. "These guys are so cute Y/N" She sat. "I know ...all of them are very sweet! I'm glad we got neighbors like them !" I said . "Wait now that we are alone ...Tell me how's it going with Eric ? Did you kiss already? Did he take you on dates ?" She showered me with a lot of questions. I giggled "oh my god stop ...Have patience..I'll tell you everything!" . "Spill already!" She said . "So it's going great with him ...I swear he's the type of guy who gets jealous every single time .." I said . "Yes I saw that down there ...but that's cute!" She giggled. "I know right ...he acts like a child but he's very protective and caring!" I smiled . "Huh if you don't act like a child ... anyways I'm happy for you !! You got the right guy."

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