Can You Recover Your Suppressed Memories?

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Do you think it is possible to remember our experiences in memories suppressed during hypnosis?

The United States was in great panic in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Thousands of adults began to recall their repressed memories of terrible childhood abuse. The nonprofit False Memory Syndrome Foundation in Philadelphia requested 736 legal rights from family members who will be involved in the study to reveal these memories.

In the late 1990s, investigations by healed childhood trauma outbreaks by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Ministry of Justice revealed that abuse allegations were wrong. However, it was revealed that the concept of memory suppressed memories never disappeared from a psychological point of view. In a recent study, 76% of clinicians argued that our memories, which were still in the past, are preserved in memory.

But would it be possible to save the repressed memories that settled deeper years after an event took place?

It was originally the psychologist Sigmund Freud in the early 20th century, who theorized that the memory of people dissociated during trauma, or that the events that took place had lost all memories and memorableness. However, Albert Katz, a psychologist at Western University in Ontario, Canada, said there is no evidence that such a mechanism is possible.

"I don't think we can forget anything," Katz Live Science said, "But just because we don't remember them doesn't mean these memories can't be taken out of consciousness. Everything is possible."

There are many reasons people forget. We are doomed to gradually forget what we do not think of. This is our own maverick behavior. We also tend to forget ordinary, everyday events. Charles Brainerd, a psychologist at Cornell University, says that we can forget some events even knowingly. In one study, it is said that when participants show a list of words from their minds and try to forget it, the likelihood of forgetting due to stress increases. It is strange that deliberate forgetting (also called "guided forgetting") does not cause a true trauma to disappear from memory, although it may help you forget a date. Because trauma events are preferably remembered, psychologist Brainerd explained. There is a truth in memory recovery. Years after an event, it is possible for memories to return to mind spontaneously, especially when triggered by a vision, smell, or other environmental stimulus. But these memories will not come to our mind like the first day.

A series of therapies that were sought after in the 80s and 90s aimed to bring "suppressed memories" to the surface. Brainerd took photos of the therapists and clients' childhoods and said they read books where the characters were sexually abused. It allowed the therapists to participate in hypnosis and guided image exercises, where they made verbal suggestions to help clients regain certain scenarios and sensations. The problem is that these therapy styles encouraged people to create "memories" that never really happened. Because they tend to create false memories when people are given tips or suggestions. For example, books, photos, and guided images paved the way for people to "remember" events that never happened before, when fake photos were shown to them in hot air balloons.

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