Snap out of it

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Jesse's POV 👦:
I'm not quite sure what's wrong with Lindsey but we have to keep looking. I don't think Malory is in the lake so that's good but I'm not quite sure where to look. I'm worried about Lindsey, I don't know what's going on here. Is she having a panic attack or something? Whatever it is I gotta snap her out of it.
"Come on Lindsey we have to keep moving." I say calmly walking back up to her. She doesn't reply, she just kinda stares at me. As I get closer to her I notice she's shaking.
"Linds, you okay?" I ask softly.
She doesn't say anything she just looks terrified.
"Linds?" She just looks at me. Her eyes begin to water. Oh no she's going to cry.
"Linds it's okay. It's okay." I say trying to comfort her. Here comes the tears. One two three, 20, 30 50. She just starts crying, but silently. Her knees start to buckle and she starts to collapse to the ground. I instinctively reach out and catch her, pulling her in to a kind of awkwardish hug.
"Lindsey! Lindsey what's wrong??" What's happening?? She was fine on our way to the lake. I don't know what's going on. I don't know what to do!
"Lindsey," I whisper to her. "It's okay. It's okay I'm here. It'll be okay. You're okay. Ssshh ssshh it's okay." I say quietly trying to calm her down. I don't think I've ever seen her like this.
"Let's keep moving Lindsey. Hop on my back." I suggest kneeling down. Probably not the best idea for her to walk right now. She's obviously not okay.
I start going back the way we came with Lindsey on my back and Malory on my mind. I walk past some apple trees and birch trees and oak trees. Ever time I stepped you could here the crunch crunch of leaves and grass or the snap of a stick. I don't know what to do. Should I take her back to the treehouse and leave her there? Or should I just carry her with me? Whatever I do I can't stop looking for Malory. That's not an option. A 7 year old should not be wandering the woods by herself. Especially not for hour after hour after hour. We have to find her. But where do I look now?

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