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Y/n's POV:

  We finally made it to the top after Chris told us some of his endless supply of jokes. I of course, giggled at every single one of them. While Sam only shook her head. But best one he said that made even Sam laugh was...

"You're lucky I like you guys so much, because if we where in a life or death situation... I'd step on a lego for you."
Could not stop laughing for 5 minutes straight.

Man I love him.....

Anyway, all of us exited the cable car and we see a figure on the other side of the window.

"Hey look it's Jess." I said. Sam and Chris then proceeded to bang on the window. Probably scaring her half to death.

"JESS! HEY!" Chris yelled.

"JESSICA OVER HERE!" Sam waved at her.

"Uh.. are you guys having a really weird stroke?" She said, as she looked at us like we're crazy.

"Uh sorry, we're stuck in this stupid thing." I cut in.

"Yes, can you please let us out?" Sam said.

"Pretty please?" Chris adds in. Jess pushes a button then the door unlocks. The three of us walk out.

"OH. My. God. I thought we were goners. Another ten minutes in there and I would have chewed of my own leg." Chris said in a very exaggerated tone. I had to cover my mouth because I could not help but laugh.

'God, I'm just so giggly around him'

Jess glances over in my direction and gives me a knowing smirk.

"Aw, sick, Chris." Sam said in a discussed tone scrunching her noes. He turns to her.

"Look, I got a lot of meat on my bones. This is all muscle down here." He looks and points at his legs then back at Sam.

"Yeah... Riiiiiight, uh-huh." Sam said in the most sarcastic way possible.

'I'm not going to say anything, just be quiet and don't look at his calves.....dammit.'

Jess notices me looking at him and she's now full on smiling. While Jess was distracted. Chris snatched what ever was in her hands. Adding a sound affect as he did so.

"Hey!" She yelped as she try's to get the envelope back.

"Well well well... what do we have here?" Chris said as he looks at the envelope .

"Chris-." Jess was cut off by Chris holding up his index finger.

"My goodness. Seems that someone has a lil crush on our good friend and dear class president Michael Munroe."

"Chris-." Sam try's to stop him but he also cuts her of.

"Aaand... what kind of sizzling erotica might our Jessica be capable of imagining. I wonder..?" He finishes as I stare at him then back at Jess.

"Mike and Em split. We're together." She finally says.

"Woah. Drama." He said kinda surprised.

"Not really. Pretty clear cut, actually. Em's out, I'm in." She said as she rests her arms on her hips.

"Huh." Was all Sam said as Chris held up the envelope for Jess to come and get. Jess immediately snatches it from his hands.

I Won't Let You Die (Chris x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now