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Y/n's POV:

We followed Josh up a flight of stairs to a darker area with a table and four chairs.

"This is the perfect spot to get spooked! We used to use it here..... I'll go get some candles." Josh rushes away.

"I've never had a seance before." Ashley stated as she sat down.

"It's not gonna do anything, but what's the harm in trying right?" Chris places the board on the table and was about to take his costume off.

'Nope. I can't forget this moment.'

"Woah, hold on there Cochise." Chris looks at me with the most confused look.

"Okay, first of all I don't think I have ever, in the history of ever had someone other than Josh call me that. Second, why do I need to 'hold on'?"

"You really think I'm going to let you take off that ridiculous costume without me taking a picture first?"

"OH yes. Of course, how rude of me." He bows down apologetically then does a number of beautiful poses including but not limited to.... The Thinker, Muscle Man, Sassy girl, Kiss to Camera, and more amazing things that I can't name. :)

"Chris, you are the best muse I've ever had." I say holding my camera close to my heart, wiping away a fake tear.

"Oh Y/n, you're to kind. But did you really doubt I would be? I mean, I look good in all angles." He does the hair flipping motion and does a spin. I'm giggling and I can see Ashley smile slightly.

"Now that you have your photos, I'm taking this thing off. It's so uncomfortable." I shake my head and sit across from Ashley. Josh finally comes back with the candles and he starts lighting them. Chris throws the costume somewhere then he sits down with Ash and I and begins to read the instructions.

"So it says here: *to communicate with the spirit world you must free your mind of all preconceptions, drop all inhibitions and generally give yourself over entirely to the will of others, sublimating your every desire to the whims of the Spirit-master.* which is me- -"

"I don't think it says that- -" I try to intervene but he raised his index finger stopping me.

"...and all present will remove their garments at my sole discretion." That made me smile.

"Chris, come on, this is serious." Josh said annoyed sitting across from Chris.

"OoOh I'm deadly serious." Chris chuckled in a weird old man accent.

"Oh shush it, so is everyone doing this?" Ashley asked, Chris and Josh nodded then everyone looked at me.

"I don't know.... I swore to myself I wouldn't mess with these things." I hold my hands up.

"Come on Y/n/n, ghosts aren't real. Not even for a little bit?" Chris asked me.

"I don't mind watching, I just don't wanna be a part of it."

"Y/n, if we do contact a ghost Chris and I will protect you. Right Chris?" Josh stares at Chris as if he's trying to silently communicate with him.

"Yeah of course! You're safe with us!" Chris puts his hand on my knee.

'......UGH, I hate peer pressure.....I hope I don't regret this....'

"Okay! Okay fine.....I'm in."

"Alright, let's try this." Ashley said.

"Yes please." Josh said relieved

"Okay then, let's see what happens." After Chris said that we all placed our hands on the table.

I Won't Let You Die (Chris x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now