
911 23 15

Y/n's POV:

"Dammit I almost forgot, I need to give those porn stars the keys. I'll be back." Josh said quickly as he rushed outside. It's not as cold in the lodge so I decided to take my jacket off.

"Good idea, It's getting hot in here-." I turn around quickly and see Chris stating at me with a stupid grin face. I roll my eyes and through my jacket at him.

"HEY! What'd I say?" He said as he got up to take off his jacket as well, still smiling.

"First of all, I know you where going to sing the stupid song. Second, that stupid smirk on you face." He then starts to slowly shrug of his jacket.

"I have noooooooo idea what you're talking about." His jacket then fully slips off. He then grabs it and throws it at me dramatically. I catch it while dying of laughter.

"Christopher, what did I just watch!?" I say trying to calm myself down.

"You, my dearest Y/n just witnessed greatness." Chris then bowed down.

"That's not at all what I would would call it Coshies." Chris nearly jumped out of his skin and slowly turned around.

"Oh-uh- hey bro." Chris said as he waved slightly. I cover my mouth and try not to laugh.

"Luckily I came here in time before you stripped any further. Poor Ashley would've to wash her eyes out with bleach it." Josh laughed as he took off his vest and hat.

'oh yeah, Ash's still here....wait.......he only said Ashley would bleach her eyes out- OH HE DID NOT!"

I glare at Josh and he only winks at me then got back to trying to start the fire. Ashley got up to take off her jacket and then I finally notice I'm still holding on to Chris' jacket.

"Here you go 'Magic Mike'." I said as pass Chris' jacket back to him.

"HA, you think I could be a good stripper?" Chris whispered to me wiggling his eyebrows.

"Christopher, you can do anything if you put your mind to it." I said patting his shoulder. He continued to laugh.

"But, I'ma say maybe." I whisper to him. I could see the slight shock on his face because he didn't actually expect an answer. I love messing with him.

'Even if that is my actual answer- .......Y/n, you need to chill.'

I walk away from Chris and kneel beside Josh so I could quietly scold him.

"Josh! What was that!?" I whisper to him. I see him start to smile.

"I don't know what you're talking about Y/n/n." He replied quietly without looking at me.

"Oh you know what I'm talking about Joshua." I give him a glare. He finally looks at me still smiling.

"We both know you would've wanted to see it." He winked at me again.

"I-I-I...." I said trying to find something to say.

"Don't worry, I don't think they noticed." He said more seriously.

"I hops so, just, you can't do that Joshie." I hit his arm lightly

"Okay, okay. You guys are just great together, I just wants whats best for you." I smile at this.

I Won't Let You Die (Chris x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now