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Y/n's POV:

"She wasn't up there?" Ashley asked Chris.

"I don't know... I didn't see her. She must have come down here."

"We haven't seen her either." I remarked as Chris leads the way with Ash and I close behind. Suddenly a candle on the counter lights on its own making Ashley and I jump.

"Ahh! Did that just happen?" She grabbed my arm.

"Uhhh... I don't..."

"Dammit! What is going on around here?" Chris cut in. We then continue down the stairs.

"Chris... Y/n." I turn to her slightly.

"Sa- What?" Chris stopped mid sentence but continued down the stairs.

"I just want to say... what happened back there in the shed... I know how hard it was... Josh was our friend and..."

"Ashley stop...." Chris uttered still moving forward.

"Sigh I- Chris..." I speak up and this time he stops and turns to me.

"I know.... I can't imagine being in your shoes at that moment and.... the choice you had to make, I just-..... I just want to say.....thank you.... for saving me." His face softens.

"Y/n.. what was I supposed to do? I... I could've let anything happen to you... I could't.." He looks down then continues to head towards the basement. I quickly catch up with Ashley behind us.

Chris glances behind him and notices Ashley lacking behind.

"Ash, you alright...?"

"Yeah, I just... I know you and Josh were close, Chris...."

"Ashley stop please..." I cut in.

"Let's just find Sam, okay? That's what we're doing now." He tries to ignore her.

"But I mean. Oh my god..."

"Ashley! Just... stop, okay? I don't want to think about what happened..." He mumbled.


"We're finding Sam!" He shouts finally shutting her up.

Ashley rushes ahead now leading the way with Chris and I walking side by side. Ash tried to open a door but it slams shut.

"This is so effed up!" Chris uttered. We walked to the other door and that one opens on its own. Ashley is the first on with me slightly behind her. Ash jumps and grabs my arm stopping me and causing Chris to bump into me.

"Wait a minute. Did just you see that?" Ash said pointing down the hallway.

"Um... Did I see what?" I ask.

"That. Y/n. That"

"What 'that' was that?" Chris asked very confused.

"It was like... a see through shape. Like a ghost!" She exclaimed.

"Oh boy." Chris uttered.

"Are you sure?" I question.

"Yes! Why don't you guys believe me!? I said I saw it, doesn't that count for anything?" Chris and I look at each other.

"Ashley. We've been through hell tonight. Okay? Your mind is fried. Our minds is fried. I don't even trust what I've been seeing." He remarked.

"I don't know. I don't know, just... I saw something..."

"Ash it's okay." I reassure.

"You're just. We're all kinda out of our heads right now. I mean we just... we gotta pull it together, okay? You with us?" Chris said.

I Won't Let You Die (Chris x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now