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Y/n's POV:

It's silent...

I feel Chris tens up.

We pull away just enough so were facing each other, he cups my face in his hands.

He glances at my eyes then looks down at my lips.

'It's really happening.'

I close my eyes and I feel our foreheads lean against each other. My breath quickens.

'This feels like a dream...'

I wrap my arms around his neck and run my hands through his hair.

'We're so close...'

Our lips brush against each other.

'Breath Y/n. Breath.'

I slowly pull him close....


We jump apart.......

"Hello!? Is anyone there!? Help me please!"  We heard someone shout, they were banging on what sounded like metal and it was in this room. We all turn to a metal locker with a chair in front of it.

"Who the hell is in there?" Mike whisper yells while slowly walking towards it.

Chris and I look at each other, mix of confusion and disappointment. Then we realize....

"Ashley!" We both shout.

Mike takes the chair away, the door flings open and Ashley tumbles out.

"Mike!? Oh thank god! We gotta go before- JOSH?!?" She exclaimed pointing at unconscious Josh.

"Ash, it's okay, it was all Josh." Mike explains.

"What!? How? Sam!!! You're here? What happened?" Ash questioned looking around at all of us.

"We'll explain later but right now... what do we do?" Sam inquired.

"First step, we get out of here and go to the living room... where's Matt and Emily?" Mike asks.

"They were going to get help." Chris said getting up.

"Alright so we'll wait for them." We all nod at Mikes orders.

Chris helps me up then smiles lightly pulling me close again.

"So.... where were we?" He whispers with a stupid grin.

"I think I know....."

"Chris! Help me with him!" Mike shouts and Chris looks down sighing.

"Dude, can you like... give me a minute?" He asked turning to Mike.

"No Chris, now! I need help taking this fucker upstairs." Chris looks between Mike and I.


"Now!" Mike said sternly.

Chris groans and reluctantly pulls away. He looks at me sadly then goes to help Mike.

I try to reach him but he already has Josh's legs. I sigh loudly.

Sam puts her hand on my back and I finally look at her.

"Are you okay? I ask for the hundredth time." She jokes. I hug her instead.

"I'll take that as a yes." She said hugging me tightly.

We pull apart and slowly make our way up the maze of stairs. It's slow because we're following the boys as they carry Josh.

I Won't Let You Die (Chris x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now