Lost In Flames

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Y/n's POV:

How can a couple seconds feel like hours?

We all just stare at the lodge doors waiting

Waiting for Sam and Mike to come out, to be safe

To blow up the lodge and end this for good

But nothings happening, we just all sit here in painful silence, the only thing breaking it is the quiet screams of the Wendigos. The freezing cold air blowing all around us

What if they're dead?

NO! They can't be!

Sam... she's like my sister... she's been there for me... she's been one of my best friends for the longest time...

I've known her longer then Chris... I can't lose her now...

Mike... he's like my brother... he's always been there for me from the moment I met him... he's always protected me... yes he's a handful but I love him for it...

I can't lose him...

I can't lose my siblings... but I'm losing hope...

I need to go back.

I force myself up and tried running to the lodge, but I stopped myself as I see Mike running out.

"MIKE!" I shout. He instantly turns his head towards me.

"Y/N!" He shouts back, he runs towards me but turns his attention back to the lodge as he hears another scream.

"No no no SAM!" I shout about to run towards the lodge, but before I do I see her running out, followed by the flames behind her.

"Y/N!" I hear Chris shout before he wraps his arms around me as we're thrown back onto the snow by the explosion.

I feel the heat as I look back at the lodge.

I squint at the blinding orange light.

The lodge.... it's engulfed in the flames.

It's gone...

Are... are they dead..?

Is... is it finally over...?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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