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Y/n's POV:

After what felt like ours we could finally see the lodge, and surprisingly we see Josh walking a little ways in front of us.

'What is he doing? I thought he would be in the lodge already.'

"Josh!" I yell, he immediately turns around and stops so we could catch up. I'm faster than the other two so I get to Josh first.

"Y/n/n! Good to see you!" He said as he beings me into a warm hug.

"Nice to see you too Joshie." I snicker at the nickname I gave him. I'm the only person he allows to call him that. I've always thought of Josh as my little brother. Even though he's older than all of us, I'm still very protective over him.

"Still using that nickname huh?" He laughs as he pulls away.

"I know you love it!" I say as I turn to the other two and see there still a little bit behind.

"Quick picture please?" I hold up my camera.

"Uhhh duhhh!" He held both my shoulders and rested his head on his right hand. I take the picture and show him proudly.

"Wow, if I do become a movie director, you're my main camera man, uhhh person." He giggled as he hands my camera back.

"You promise." I say as I tilt my head. He nods then the other two finally catch up.

"Man, I feel like this mountain get bigger every time I climb it." Chris said, slightly out of breath.

"Oh yeah? Feel the same to me." Josh replied as he crossed his arms.

"Oh come on, you grew up here. It probably feels like it's shrinking." Chris said to Josh as he grabs his phone.

"I guess that's true." Josh said as he laughed slightly.

"When are you going to install some cell towers up here? I'm getting withdrawals already." Chris said as he lifted up his phone.

"You got a spare million lying around and I'll fix you right up." Josh said as he start walking to the lodge. I walk beside Sam and we follow.

"Funny you should say that.. ugh, I think I felt it in my other jacket." He said in a slightly serious but also joking tone. I giggled slightly.

"Oops." Was Josh's response

'He needs to stop, I can't help but laugh at every joke he says.'

"Hey guys, you get up here okay?" Josh asks and that's when I finally notice Ashley sitting on the steps and Matt sulking on the railing.

"Yeah... Well, more or less. But it's so good to see you!" Ashley said and Matt stays silent.

"What's up with him?" Josh whispers to us. Then he goes up the stairs to unlock the door while Chris follows. I was about to follow as well but I'll let them have their 'bro time'. So I follow Matt so I could go talk to him quickly. I've never had a problem with Matt, we've hung out occasionally together and we always have nice conversations. He's just a really caring guy and nice company. It's rare for him to be in a bad mood so I'll try and cheer him up.

"Hey Matty B, how you doing?" I said as I walk up to him.

"Heh... I'm fine." He said as he looks up at me.

"You sure? I can't help but notice your not as up beat as you usually are." A said as I crossed my arms. He sighs

"Just, some people you know? You think you now em'." He said as he looks down again. I nod and think of a way to make him feel better.

I Won't Let You Die (Chris x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now