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Y/n's POV:

"Come on guys! Hurry up! We gotta find Mike... Come on!" Sam orders. We try and keep up with her but Chris isn't having it.....

He stops and leans on the wall.

"Hey... ahhh... I'm kinda gimping out here guys. I think maybe you should go on without me..."

"Chris....." I try.

"Just go on... I- I can't keep up with you macho lady's....."

"Oh god Chris just stop it, okay?"Ash try's.

"Listen just... just go on ahead okay? You gotta warn Mike. I'll be right behind you...I'm just gonna take a breather." He utters slowly sliding down the wall.

I look down to Chris then to the rest of the group.

"I'm staying here with Chris, you guys keep going."

"Will you guys be okay?" Ash asks.

"Yeah... it's best not to be left alone. I'll stay with him then we'll meet back up."

"....Alright....." The girls continue on ahead and I sit by Chris.

It was silent for a bit as we just sat there.

"You didn't have to stay with me..." Chris mumbled.

"I'm not leaving you by yourself! Besides, I need some time to process everything...."

"Yeah.... Everything's fucked up..." He utters.

I look down.

"Oh... I totally forgot about my camera...." I slowly pick it up and turn it on, looking through the picture I took way earlier.

"This was how everything was supposed to be..... just look at us....." I say scrolling through the pictures.

"We had no idea what was coming...." Chris remarks.

"I can't look at these....." I quickly turn off my camera.

Chris moves his leg and I can hear him take a deep breath through gritted teeth. I look at him and he's closing his eyes tightly.

"What happened?" I say grabbing his arm lightly.

"....While I was running away..... I didn't see the drop.... and I landed on it weird." He said leading his head back.

"Let's hope you just sprained your ankle...."

"I've been walking on it okay...... I don't think I broke anything."

"That's good at least.... god I wish we could get you a splint."

"Hehe, I'll be fine... I doesn't hurt that bad....."

"Does anything hurt you 'that bad'?"

"I'm tough, what can I say?" He says looking at me.

"Hmmm, are you now." I whisper.

"I'm your Prince Charming of course I am." He whispers back. I giggle lightly as we stare into each others eyes. God, his beautiful eyes. They outshine any star I've ever seen.

I'm lost in them again, until his gaze slowly move down to my lips.

I decide to make the first move as I swing my leg around him now straddling his hips. I tower over him as I cup his face.

I can see the slight shock on his face but that quickly disappears as he grabs my waist.

I bit my lip.

I Won't Let You Die (Chris x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now