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Sam's POV:
" 'I'm sorry Beth... I have no choice. It's the only way I can survive anymore... If someone finds this, I'm sorry...' " I read aloud to Mike.

"What does that mean... Jesus."

"Oh god... it makes sense. I think... Hannah dug up Beth. It was Hannah!"

"No that's- that's ridiculous-"

"Michael... Michael, it has to be. It's the only thing that makes sense. Beth died in the fall-"

"So what... what does that mean-"

"So Hannah must have buried her."

"Goddammit... God-dammit..."

"Hannah was down here... for..."

"I don't believe any of this-"

"She would have been starving... she would have been desperate-"


"We need to find Josh. Right now." I lead the way as we jump back into the freezing cold water.

"It's getting deeper." Mike states.

"Yeah, uhm..."

"Okay, okay... Hey, it's sloping up again. We're gonna make it."

"Oh my god don't jinx it!"

"Come on, come on, we made it." Mike helps me out of the water. We walk up to a metal door and as we open it, we're pushed back as the door flies open and water comes flowing out of it. As we stand back up we both gasp seeing a mangled head roll in our direction. All the flesh was off leaving the face unrecognizable. We quickly get back up taking a second to recover before going through the door.

This room looked to have meat hooks and chains anywhere. I look up, my stomach turning as I see a body handing from on of them.

"Do you see that...?" I turn to Mike and he only nods.

"It's the Flamethrower dude..."

"I'm gonna be sick." Mike covers his mouth as he looks away. He then gets distracted by something.

"Wait wait wait! Hold on... I think I saw something..." He whispered, calling me over to look through a gap in between the wooden wall.

"No... no no... no no no... i don't... I don't take order from you..."

"Josh!" I shout,

"I don't take order from you, you can't tell me what to do..."

"Hey... Hey Josh!" I try.

"You can't tell me what to do anymore!!"

"Josh? Buddy?" Mike try's.

"You can't tell me what to do!! Okay... okay... I trust you.... I trust you..."

"What's the matter with him Mike?" I ask looking back and forth between Mike and Josh.

"He's tripping or something." Mike slaps him, I cringe.


"M...Mike?" Josh stutters

"Josh... hey man-"

"Don't h-hit me, p-please-"

"You were deep in it man. Full mental jacket."

"We didn't think we'd get you back..." I sigh. I take a deep breath as I decided to tell him the truth.

"Josh... Hannah was down here for... weeks... a month?! She dug Beth up!" I explain.

"Sam..." Mike try's to stop me.

I Won't Let You Die (Chris x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now