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Y/n's POV:

We quickly make it back to the lodge and knock on the door.

"Hey... where's Mike?" Sam asked as she opened the door.

"He wants to stay with Josh till morning..." I say as we all sit on the couch.

"Thank god everything's over..." Ash remarked.

"I guess... but Jess is dead... someone actually died and we still don't know where Matt and Emily are..." Sam mentioned.

"What if she's not dead? What if Mikes wrong?" I inquire.

"Y/n's right. What if Jess survived?" Chris agreed.

"Mike said she fell down an old elevator shaft.... it sounds very unlikely..." Ash added.

"...It does but... what if she's stuck down there?..."

"Then when the police come, we'll get them to look....." Sam stated. We sat in silence for a bit before Sam and Ash started talking. Chris and I weren't paying attention to them.

"So... about what Josh said back at the shed...." Chris whispered.

"What part?... He said a lot of things..." I look down as my face reddened.

"Yeah he did... Fucking made me mad." He said with slight anger in his voice.

"That's what he wanted... but deep down he didn't want to hurt us..."

"I'm trying to see that but... the way he talked to you? Unfuckin believably."

"I- uhh. Appreciate you protecting me..." I say grabbing his hand.

"Of course, nobody talks to you like that. EVER." He said as our fingers intertwined.

"Hmm, you really are my Prince Charming." I say leaning close to him.

"He really gave me that nickname huh?" Our foreheads leaned against each other.

"Yeah.... and I actually really like it....." I see him smile.

"We could.... prove Josh wrong about one thing...." I loosely wrap my arms around his neck.

"And what would that be?" He cups my face in his hands.

"I think you know...."

I pull him closer.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Chris and I jump apart as we all look at the door.


"Let me in! Let me IN!" We hear someone shout.

"Is that-?"

"It's Em!!" We all rush to the door.

"Let her in! Quick!!" Chris opens the door and Emily tumbles in.

"Shut the door! Oh my God- shut the door!!!" Em shouts as she tries to crawl away, Ash and Sam help her up.

"Em, are you alright?" I ask.

"I didn't think that I'd make it-"

"You were screaming bloody murder." Chris remarks.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked.

"You look totally wiped-" Ash stated.

"There was something-" Em tries to explain.

"Where's Matt-?" I question.

I Won't Let You Die (Chris x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now