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Y/n's POV:

".......I-I'm s-s-sorry........"

Pain builds up....

" please......oh god........don't leave......"

I can feel him...


I try to take a breath...

"*inhale* gah!....."

It hurts...


"C-c-c-h-i- agh!"

It hurts to breath..... it hurts to speak....

"Y/n! Oh Y/n!" Chris cry's. He tightens his hug slightly. I wince.

"GAHH! Ow ooow!"

"Oh god! I'm sorry.....!" He loosens his grip and pulls away slightly.

"I-I-It h-h-h-hurts....."

"Shhhhhh.... Baby I know...... I know..... but you're strong okay?....... you're so strong........" He slides his hand to my face gently.

"..... I-it's hard.......t-to b-b-brea-th...."

"Don't talk okay?...... Just focus on breathing....... Take it slow....... please...." I nod slightly.

"Good, good, good......just relax..... you're doing so good Y/n....... just breath....."

I follow his instructions...

I breath in slowly...


Then exhale...

"Good, keep breathing.... you're doing so good......"

I'm able to take a full breath...

"I-it..... doesn't.......hurt....... as..... much." I'm finally able to focus on his face.

His eyes are red and puffy. I can see the tear streams down his cheeks.

"Shhhhh..... just keep breathing okay?"


"Fuck.... Y/n I thought I lost you......" I see another tear.

"I....... d-didn't want t-to leave you.... we made a p-promise......remember...?"  I say whiling his tear away.

"Yeah.... of course I remember...." He mutters leaning into my touch.

I move slightly.


"Your neck is already bruised bad......" He said inspecting it.

I raise my hand slowly and rub my neck, feeling tenderness and five cuts from the Wendigos claws.

"That's....... not what hurts....." Chris looks at me confused.

"My chest....... my chest r-really hurts....." His eyes widen.

"It.... it threw you against the wall..... when I threw my flashlight at it..... that's why it let you go in the first place."

"....Well.... i-it hurts l-like hell....."

"Do you uhhh.... mind if I take a look....?" He asked nervously.


My jacket was already opened so he just had to unzip my sweater. I then felt his cold hands on my stomach as he slowly lifted up my shirt.

I Won't Let You Die (Chris x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now