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Chris' POV:

"Ungh.....ugh.....What the fu-" I'm on the ground and in front of me is a flashlight.

'What happened?'

I stand up and I feel instant dizziness and my head fucking hurts.

'Wait a minute, where is everybody?'

"Oh no.." My memories come flooding back. We used the spirit board.... it told us to go to the library..... we found that letter......then we heard Josh scream-


"Y/N!!!" I spring into action but something on the ground catches my attention. I go to inspect it and my heart drops.

It's Y/n's camera....... covered in blood...

"No no no, not good... Not good at all..." I carefully pick up her camera and put the strap around my neck.

"You better be okay..." I continue to investigate and go through the double doors. I'm greeted by a crow.

"What the fuck?" Then I see blood splashed on the wall.

"Aw shit, no.." I look down and see a small blood trail. So I follow it.

'This better not be hers...'

"Y/n! Ash! Josh!" I'm lead outside, yes it's very cold but I don't give a damn, I have to find my friends, I have to find my-

'FUCK she better be okay.'

I come across a fork in the road. One blood trail is leading to the shed and the other is leading behind some trees.

'Ummm, uhhh, shit.....I'll check the trees really quick.'

I quickly make my way to the tree then...

"WHOA!" I jump as a god damn dummy pops out of nowhere.

"What the hell? Who would do this?" The dummy has a clown mask on.

'Jesus Christ.'

I walk around it and follow the blood.

"Aw shit." It's a pig head.

'At least it's not one of them.'

I quickly turn around and make my way towards the shed.

"Y/n?! Y/N!?!"

Y/n's POV:

I open my eyes but all I see is darkness. I can't move.

'Where am I?'

My wrists hurt, am I tied up? I try to move my arms but they're stuck above my head.

"Oh god."

Chris' POV:

"Y/N!" I make my way into the shed, the first thing I see is Ashley slumped on a stool unconscious. I quickly try and wake her up

"Ashley?! Ash wake up!" I see her stir and she eventually opens her eyes.

"Chris? Where are we? Where's Josh and Y/n?"

"I'm trying to find them. Come on we gotta move." I help her up.


Y/n's POV:

"Y/N! ARE YOU HERE?!" I hear someone yell.

"..Chris..?" I shout weakly.

"Y/n/n I'm here! Where are you?"

I Won't Let You Die (Chris x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now