Day One [Prologue]

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————— 30 days remaining —————
Monday, January 1st, 11:14 pm
Status 1: stage 1 - Blush
Status 2: data not yet received


(The events taking place here are a day before the present.)

Hello and welcome to Black Roses!
Prepare to be confused for a while.
I'd keep an eye on that first section...
Love ya <3 ~ Owl


Staying out late at night has always been one of my favourite things to do. The scenery in this area is beautiful, somehow better than it was back in LA. Florida has never seemed so beautiful, not even in the time I spent out in Miami. It hits different, which is probably what made me even move here in the first place.

Living alone isn't fun all the time. It gets lonely a lot, especially when you're used to living with two crackheads and now you're back to being all by yourself again.

I sigh into the winter night, my heart aching as I recall some fond memories with my ex-roommates, Harvey and George. They were so much fun to be around, and completely turned around my time in LA.

I moved out there alone, feeling like I'd lost everything. They made that time happy, making LA bearable for those three months.

Now I'm left with the same empty feeling in my stomach. In Orlando, all alone. That's how I've been for the past month. I knew I shouldn't live alone, it drives me crazy. Especially when there's a thunderstorm, I'm scared to death of those things.

Guess I never learn...

At least Orlando is pretty..

The rural side of Orlando is gorgeous. Bad was right after all I guess. I remember him talking about how pretty it was here, back when he lived here as a student. I'm presuming he's moved since. We don't talk about our real lives a lot, generally because that's not what you do when recording.

My YouTube best friend, otherwise known as BadBoyHalo. We met online back in 2018, and to this day have never met in person. I don't know what he looks like, or even what his real name is.

To him I'm Skeppy, and to me he's Bad. We know no more than that, and to be honest, neither of us seem to mind.

Appearances is pretty much the same, except I know one minor detail. He has emerald eyes, bright emerald like the Minecraft ore itself. They're probably gorgeous, much more interesting than my own chocolate brown eyes.

Oh I just wish I knew what he looked like...

It's upsetting. Bad is never comfortable with showing himself, which I completely respect. It's just, I thought that'd be different with me. I don't know why I thought that, but I must just hope there's something different between us than there is with everyone else. We are best friends after all.

That's seriously what we're going with Zak..

My mind knows I'm lying to myself. The truth is, I've battled with the idea that I may in fact have feelings for this best friend of mine. I can't accept it, to love someone when you don't know what they look like, or even know their name.

But I do, and I can't stop the bubbly feeling that rises in me every time we talk. Whenever he giggles, sings his weird songs about fish in buckets or even just when he calls me a muffin. He always refers to large groups of people as muffins, but I'm the only specific person he's ever called one.

You're so desperate...

I argue with myself, pouting at my own mess of emotions. My eyes focus on the stars above me, and I take in their beautiful glow. I like to think that Bad and I look at the same night sky. We both live under the same blanket of stars. All of us do. Me, Bad, A6D, George, Harvey...

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