Day Twelve

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————— 19 days remaining —————   Friday, January 12th, 11:14 pm
Status 1: stage 6 - Rouge
Status 2: stage 6 - Periwinkle


-Zak's POV-

Badboyhalo (@Saintsofgames):
Face reveals! Skeppy, A6D and I will be live in 1 hour! @_@

No matter how many times I stare at that tweet, I can't quite believe it's happening. Can't believe Bad finally came around to the idea. Not only are we doing a face reveal for the fans, we're doing it for each other. A6d and I still don't know what Bad looks like, and this'll be the first time we find out.

And we're doing it live.

That was my idea. I couldn't face Bad without the cameras, my feelings would go crazy. There's no way I'd be able to do that anymore, I'd say something I don't want to. Now I just have to keep my hanahaki under control. Oh, and my inevitable chest pains that are already here.

Fantastic. Absolutely fantastic.

How the hell am I gonna manage this...

Maybe that's what I have to do. Learning to manage it may be the next step. That's not how hanahaki works, but this hanahaki is different. If I really am stuck with it forever like the spirit suggested, I may as well learn to get used to it. Avoiding Bad forever isn't something I'm prepared to do, especially if my bond with Darryl wears thin over this new information.

I haven't yet told Darryl about what the spirit said. If I'm stuck to those books forever, likelihood is that he is too. I'm not sure if I can live with myself knowing that I've inflicted this lifelong burden upon him. He's been the first and only real friend I've had since moving here. Losing him isn't something I'm prepared to do either.

But I'm not sure I'm the one who can make that choice.

Darryl will do one of two things. Yell at me and never talk to me ever again, or claim I'm wrong and attempt to persuade me that there is a way and we'll find it together. Except, I know which option it'll be, and that makes it worse. Darryl is too nice. He's too perfect.

Is it bad if I wish it was option one? That I never want to see him again because I don't want to feel the suffocation of guilt every time I look him in the eyes?

Those beautiful emerald eyes...

The buzz of my phone ringing snaps me out of my daydream. I grab it off my desk, not bothering to check who it is as I click accept and hold it to my ear.


"Zak. Um..." The familiar French accent floods my ears, informing me of who's on the other end. "Vincent? You alright?"

There's silence for a string of seconds, so dragged out that I pull my phone away from my ear to check the call didn't end. "Uh... hello?"

"Hi um... Zak... I..." he trails off, taking another few seconds to think. "Vin what is it? Are you nervous about the face reveal?"

"No no! Not at all!" His answer is rushed, but sounds convincing. "Alright, then what?"

Even more silence.

"Zak I..." my patience grows thin. I don't want to rush him as this is clearly pretty important, but I really need to set up for the recording. "What Vincent?"

"I told Bad!" Yelled, a gasp from the other end as the words flood out of his mouth in a tidal wave of confessions. I blink a couple times, staring blankly at the wall as I try to process if Vincent really just said what I thought he did. "You did what..." I ask quietly.

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