Day Twenty-two

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————— 2 days remaining ————— Monday , January 22nd, 5:03 am


Anyone actually know where the notebooks are?
Enjoy. Love ya <3 ~ Owl


-Darryl's POV-

"Good morning."

That's not Zak. It should be, it's sometime early in the morning. We were asleep, having just drifted off after another of Zak's episodes. They get drastically worse each time, edging ever closer to that looming deadline at the end of the week.

Through my tired haze, I make out the silhouette of a girl. She looks pretty young, fourteen at most. Her hair is platinum blonde, a light brown at the roots. Light brown eyes are cast across the river, rolling them from impatience.

"He always this heavy a sleeper?" She asks bluntly. I'm not sure who she's talking to, but they clearly aren't helping. Only silence follows the girls question, causing her to dramatically roll her eyes once more.

As a light erupts from somewhere in the distance, my eyes stop blurring. I'm able to take in more of her appearance.

Definitely young, wearing a large amount of makeup around her eyes. One of those kids you'd see strutting around school like they own the place.

Her outfit doesn't catch that impression. She wears a simple black dress, knee-length and without decoration. It'd be more convincing as a bedsheet that a dress.

The clothes contrast her complexion, ghostly pale. We have a near identical amount of freckles, hers more prominent because of how pale she is.

"What the fuck why are to so shaken up? Your boyfriend isn't like this you know!"

"LANGUAGE!" I shriek without really thinking. Any progress in recovering my strength is lost as I'm thrown into the base of the willow tree behind me. "DARRYL!" A familiar voice screams across the river. "You let me over there right now you bitch!"

Learning from my past mistake, I keep my mouth shut. The girl retracts her blades, pocketing the ghostly weapons in pockets I didn't realise were there. "Whatever" she mutters, clicking her fingers.

Out of nowhere Zak appears, materialising from thin air. He loses his balance, collapsing on top of me. "Are you alright?" Wary mocha eyes scan my face as he picks himself up, outstretching a hand to assist me. I take it, rubbing my head from the impact to the tree. "Yeah, I'm fine. Who's she?"

"No idea."

"Seriously?" the girl scoffs. Standing up, I realise she's noticeably shorter than us both. Probably about 5'3, which would make sense for her age. "You" she shoots me a dirty glare as she spits the word. "Have an excuse. But you Zak? Don't you remember me?"

Her chestnut eyes soften, desperately searching for any sign of recollection in the raven-haired boy's eyes. I watch the cogs turn in his head, searching for any distant memory of this girl. There's none to be found.

"Should I remember you?" he asks quietly.

Big mistake.

The girl's eyes flare, literal embers lighting. The chestnut is swallowed in a fiery pit of rage, eyes smoking like they're on fire.

She reaches out a hand, a black blade materialising in it. "YOU DON'T REMEMBER ME?!" she screeches, voice shattering the serene scene of the river.

Smoke clouds around us, pushing me away from him by some invisible force. The girl disappears from view, the smoke hiding her. I fall to my knees, scraping them on a path I didn't know was there.

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