Notes Of A Flower Boy [Day Fifteen]

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————— 16 days remaining —————

The angel is sleeping.

Even angels need rest. I watch the sleeping angel, watch their chest rise and fall in their slumber.

You don't look like you've slept in a while, are you ok?

Your eyes are still red. I hope you weren't crying over me again.

The demon doesn't like it. She says that angels are worthless. She says they don't make sense. Nobody can be perfect, there can't be angels.

She's right, nobody is perfect. But I find it strange that she can't understand things like we do. She made books of love, of two soulmates colliding. She 'helped' people be together, yet she can't understand perfection.

It's like that saying the angel told me once.

'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.'

So is perfection. It's impossible to be perfect to everyone. But you can always be perfect to someone.

And the angel is perfect to me.

I always knew you'd be an angel. Your name kind of suggested as such, it does include 'halo'. But not all angels wear halos, and not all angels are good.

I'm glad you are.

Your eyes flutter as you sleep. The world looks normal to me now. Nobody shut my eyes. Their clouded-over, but they still work fine.

I watch your eyes, how your eyelashes brush against your cheeks ever so slightly when you blink. Your freckles stand out a little more than they did last time. You're paler.

Then your eyes open, the emerald green bright and vivid in the early morning sun reflecting through the window beside you. There's tired lines under your eyes, which are bleary and heavy with sleep.

Have you been sleeping ok angel?

You worry too much...

As soon as your eyes open fully, they dart over to me, like it's routine of yours. You're  like a guardian angel.

You watch over me, shielding me from the shadowed creatures that try to deceive us both.

I hope you're ignoring them angel, they seem to worry you...

Then you cry once more. You sit beside me, tracing my jawline with your finger. Our hands stay intertwined whenever you're here, and you make sure that you never let go. I have no control here, but even if I did...

I wouldn't let go.

The tears keep rolling down your cheeks, silently, making sure not to attract the attention of the shadow figures around us.

Clever of you, angel.

Your eyelids are heavy from sleep deprivation, and it's not long before you drift off. I'm not sure you meant to, but you fall asleep beside me. Your head rest on my shoulder, one hand in my hair and the other holding my own hand. You squeeze it tightly before you fall asleep, as if I'm reassurance. Reassurance we're both still here.

I'm trying angel, I'm really trying.

I just need a little more time.


Your sweet voice is the first thing to fill my ears when I awaken. You alert me that the days have changed, we're now on the fifteenth. My birthday is in two days, I hope I can break free by then.

You whisper to me softly, talking about YouTube and then new Minecraft update and new video ideas you have. You can tell that I'm still here.

I see the looks they give you. The shadow figures who walk past, looking at you funny for caressing the hair of a 'dead' person. They're convinced I'm gone. They think you're crazy.

They're the crazy ones angel, they always have been.

But you don't need my reassurance. You don't care what they think. You talk to me like I do respond, acting as my eyes and ears for the forever nearing world around us. I'm grasping at little details of it, desperately clutching at any grip on reality I can find.

But you smile. It's a sad smile, but it's one to show me you know I'm still here. You know what they don't. You can see what they can't.

And though there's tears in your eyes, glistening lines down your cheeks from many that have already flowed, you have hope. You have hope I will return.

I never left you.

I just can't show I'm here right now. I will, sometime soon. I'll find my way back to you again. I'll kiss you like you deserve to be, like I should've all that time ago when I had the chance.

Blind. I was blind to not see it was you all along. I should've known. Only you could be so perfect, there aren't two of you. You're one of a kind.

Though you can't see them, you have wings. Beautiful, gracious white wings, made of only the purest feathers. Your halo glows over your head, but I could tell been without it you're an angel. You always have been.

Even now. Angels cry too.

I'll find my way back somehow, someday. It'll be soon, I promise. Have hope.

As the demon comes to take me away once more, I watch your unfaltering smile with pride. I'm safe here, you're here.

The tears flowing down your cheeks hurt me. It hurts to see you cry. You don't deserve the tears.

I try to lean forward, to close the gap between us and kiss you. But I can't, and the darkness drags me back under.

One day angel...

One day...


This is the end of the 'Notes Of A Flower Boy' segment. Day sixteen will be a normal chapter once more.
I got inspired by CRAZYGENIUS' new book 'But It's Better If You Do', and wanted to try out the poetry-esque style.
What did you think of it?
I thought it was fun to write 💙

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