Day Three [2]

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————— 28 days remaining —————
Wednesday, January 3rd, 1:35 am
Status 1: stage 1 - Blush
Status 2: stage 1 - Cloud


-Darryl's POV-

After probably about half an hour, the storm stops. Zak spends the whole time wrapped in my arms, which made me a bit of a blushing mess.

I'm so glad he couldn't see my face...

As soon as the storm stopped, I expected Zak to instantly get up and leave. But he didn't, he remained in my arms for another fifteen minutes before his watch flashed to alert us it was 1 am.

I'm the first to break our long hug, realising I should've shut up shop half an hour ago. Unsurprisingly, nobody has come in since, so it doesn't even matter. I don't mind that I'm half an hour late to finishing.

I got to spend time with him.

I hate it. I hate the way he makes me feel. He's so perfect. For the first few days when he first arrived, I just admired him from a distance.

I worked an earlier shift then, and my colleague told me I should just go talk to him instead of  'stalking the poor boy like a creep'.

So I did, and we started getting along really well. It was just me and that girl, Natasha, I think. She works the earlier hours. She noticed how I looked at that boy, and let me serve him each time. Me, and me only.

After Zak stopped coming during my work hours, I got a little upset. We talked for a while each time he came in, then he suddenly stopped showing up. The boy who worked the night hours, James, told me he saw Zak come every day during his shift.

So we swapped shifts, which we were both eager to do anyway. Working these hours is a little bit of a problem when I'm trying to fit in recording with Skeppy, but I manage. To see Zak, it's worth it.

I think Skeppy would like him.

I like him, but I'm not sure if it's maybe a little more than a friendship like...

As I clear up the shop, Zak packs up his things. He meets me at the bottom of the stairs, rucksack over his shoulder and a smile on his face. "Thanks" he says tiredly, yawning as he speaks. "It means a lot Darryl." I feel a sense of pride at having the guts to just hug him and see what happens. "You're welcome."

I can't stop looking at him. My hoodie that he's wearing is oversized on him, which makes him look even cuter than usual. He looks sleepy, which just adds to the cuteness.

"See ya tomorrow!" He waves at me in a childish manner, smiling a toothy grin before leaving. After he shuts the door, I squeal weirdly to myself. "Oh my god I hugged him! Aaaahhh!" I jump up an down on the spot, well aware I'm acting like a child and not caring at all.

The last place I have to clean is the upstairs, seeing as Zak was packing up his things and I didn't want to interrupt. I climb the stairs once more, and immediately my eyes rest on the table in the far corner. On it is the notebook, Zak must've forgotten it.

Oh well, I'll keep it with me and give it to him tomorrow.

As soon as I go to pick up the book, something weird happens. My hands attach to the book. The book opens, blue light flowing out and wrapping around me.

The light changes shape, forming what look sort of like vines. Then suddenly, they grow thorns. The thorns stab into me and I scream, the pain blinding my vision.

Then they disappear, the pain remaining but no marks are there. I look at the book to find the strangest thing.

The book has my name on it.

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