Day Two

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————— 29 days remaining —————
Tuesday, January 2nd, 9:47 pm
Status 1: stage 1 - Blush
Status 2: data not yet received


This is the first official chapter as such. We're now in the present day.
Enjoy! Love ya <3   ~ Owl



Bad's yelling echoes through my headphones, causing me to laugh at my latest brilliant troll. My trusty worldedit axe is still in the first slot of my hot bar, having just been used to set half of Kit pvp to air. This has been going on for roughly the past twenty minutes. It's amazing how I don't get sick of doing this so often.

And amazing at how Bad isn't sick of me yet...

I mess around for a couple more minutes, deleting this and replacing that, until I decide it's time to pull out the oldest trick in the book.

"Skeppy slash slash undo!"

"But I was testing-"

"Oh my goodness don't do this."

"I was testing-"

Bad shrieks so loudly I jump, falling out of my chair and hitting the floor. It hurt a lot, but I'm laughing so hard I don't even care. My headphones fall off and I stop laughing, suddenly able to hear the world around me.

There's strong rain outside, signalling the downpour only started recently. I pick myself up off the floor, plugging back in my headphones that were accidentally tugged out in my laughing fit. Then I hear it.

A large boom echoes outside, followed by some more violent crashing. The rain speeds up, forcefully bouncing off of the surrounding windowsills.


No no no no no

Not now!

I run to my computer, throwing on my headphones that are no longer loud enough to block out the storm. I instantly scramble to mute my mic, only to find Bad isn't in the call anymore. There's just a message left by him a few minutes ago in the teamspeak.

BadBoyHalo [offline]
Sorry didn't realise the time. Need to leave. Please fix my server >_>
10:23 pm

My eyes widen in horror. I'm here all alone. Bad left while I was freaking out.

I'm here all alone!

Oh my god what do I do...

My roommates aren't even here anymore. Normally the sounds of them recording in the background would block it out. Now it's just me. Nobody is online, I can't call anyone. It's just me.


Oh my god why does Florida have so many storms...

It's a thunderstorm, and a pretty violent one at that. I've been scared of thunderstorms for as long as I can remember. It's so embarrassing. I'm 20 years old, an adult, and I'm scared to death of a type of fucking weather.

I sit on my bed, wrapping a blanket around myself and holding my hands over my ears. It does nothing to help. I plug in some music, turning the volume up so loud I'm practically deafening myself. Still no use, I can still hear it.

I sit there for almost an hour, scrunching my eyes shut and hoping it'll stop sometime soon. It doesn't.

There's nothing I can do...

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